Assembly instruction
Streamline Seats
Model „Vento short“
(Lambretta Series 2 und 3)
Front hinge with lock
1 x upholstered seat with mounted lock
2 x keys
2 x allen screw M8x40
2 x headless screw M8x55
2 x nut M8, standard
6 x self-locking nut M8
20 x washer M8
2 x plastic spacer
1 x oval frame bracket
1 x locking bracket frame
Step 1:
Expand the hinge and attach the seat to the front side
of the frame by using with the M8x40 allen screws,
washers and M8 self-locking nuts (see left picture).
Support the hinge on all four holes by placing one or
two M8 washers underneath it.
Close the seat and check if the rear side of the seat
aligns with the rear side of the frame. If necessary,
adjust the horizontal position of the seat accordingly.
Note: the bending of the base plate of the hinge
during the fastening is normal.
Step 2:
Rear side frame:
Screw in the two M8 nuts on the M8x55 headless
screws. Attach the oval bracket to the frame together
with the plastic spacers, the locking bracket and the
M8 washers.
Fully assembled fastening-system.: see picture on the