Finding a Remedy
Troubleshooting Issues and Solutions
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Solutions for Burn-in Region Adhesion Issues
Issue: The first layer adheres to the platform, but the burn in region does not adhere to the
first layer.
Possible root causes: Insufficient burn-in region projector exposure duration, Insufficient
burn-in region projector exposure delay time, separation forces are too high, or irradiance
degradation issue.
1. Insufficient burn-in region projector exposure duration.
• Any given layer requires sufficient projector exposure duration to ensure adhesion to
the previous layer.
• Solution: Increase burn-in region projector exposure duration.
2. Insufficient burn-in region projector exposure delay time.
• Projector exposure delay times affect the thickness of any given layer. Lower projector
exposure delay times result in thicker layers while longer projector exposure delay
times result in thinner layers until a minimum thickness is reached. Thus, interlayer
adhesion issues will occur if the projector exposure delay time is too short. The
resulting overly thick layers will be unable to be properly cured.
• Solution: Increase burn-in region projector exposure delay time.
3. Separation forces are too high.
• Three important factors in separation force are the viscosity of the resin, the stickiness
of the resin in the green state, and the proximity of the part or build head to the
interface glass. Separation forces are generally highest on the first few layers, and they
decrease as the layers advance. The only exception to this general trend is if a full
build area “brick” is being printed. In this case, the separation force remains fairly
consistent throughout the build job. If separation forces are too high on the first layer, it
is possible that the layer will detach from the platform.
• Solution: Decrease the separation start speed of the burn-in region. Alternatively, a
CSV override is used to carefully control settings on a per layer basis. This allows for
effective control of layer thicknesses, and separation speeds which are directly related
to experienced forces.
4. Irradiance Degradation
• Correct projector irradiance is a key component in ensuring the success of a build job.
If projector irradiance degrades to the point that it is unable to reach the minimum
threshold required to initiate the polymerization for the material, then the build job will
• Solution: Measure and adjust projector irradiance such that the projector is 5 mW/cm^2
at centerpoint. Contact a Stratasys representative for the procedure to measure and
adjust the projector irradiance.