Basic User Operations
Filling and Installing a Tray Into the Printer
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Filling and Installing a Tray Into the Printer
1. Inspect the O-ring on the bottom of the tray for dust or debris, and wipe it with a solvent
wipe if needed.
Figure 14: Empty tray
2. Place a clean tray right side up on a flat surface and pour the desired resin into the middle
of the tray. It is recommended to fill the tray to at least 250 mL. Larger prints may need
more resin. Wipe off the lip of the resin container when finished pouring and return to its
storage area.
3. Lift the tray using the provided handles and install it in the print chamber. Take extra care to
avoid contact with the inner walls of the printer as well as the glass window. The magnetic
clamp will automatically engage. Pressing the
Release Tray
button on the printer UI will
assist in adjusting the tray to its secure location. The magnetic locks will disengage and,
after five seconds, reengage automatically. Once properly secured, the tray should not
move when pulled.
4. Ensure that the tray is properly seated by performing the following:
a. Attempt to lift the tray handles at each corner of the tray (one at a time), and ensure
that each corner is firmly engaged.