ID 442426.04
Manual SD6
means protection against the unauthorized manipulation of data
It is also possible to change safety-relevant parameters of a drive controller via
remote maintenance. To ensure that this does not happen without
authorization or accidentally, the following security mechanisms are installed:
A remote maintenance process can only be started locally on the machine.
The service technician who is performing remote maintenance must know
the serial number of the drive controller that will be maintained.
If the
Session ID
option is selected (parameter
A168 remote service with
), the temporarily valid session ID must be given to the service
technician by the person responsible for the machine. It appears in the
display when remote maintenance is activated or in parameter
These first three mechanisms practically exclude the possibility of
unauthorized access. There does remain a residual risk of unauthorized
access, for example by a former employee intent on sabotage. In some
circumstances such a person could with great effort set up a connection before
the service technician did, if he knew the time when this would occur.
You would know that such unauthorized access was occurring because:
the remote maintenance LED would be continuously lit and
the connection request of the authorized service technician would fail.
Using a session ID involves more effort, but it excludes this last possibility.
An outgoing connection on the machine is always created by the local request.
That request always connects with the teleserver. No other connection is
possible. It is also not possible to set up an internet connection to the SD6 if
the connection was not requested on the SD6.
Activation of remote maintenance
The following preconditions must be met before remote maintenance can be
1. The drive controller is connected with the local network, intranet or internet.
2. The drive controller has the valid information needed to be able to
communicate via the local network, intranet or internet (see section 14.4.1
3. You have indicated the signal in parameter
A167 remote service source
which remote maintenance can be started, for example a binary signal to
binary input BE1.
4. You have indicated in the drive controller that is the gateway to the network,
in parameter
A168 remote service with session-ID
whether remote
maintenance will be secured by a session ID.
5. The service technician has a computer that is connected with the local
network, intranet or internet and the DriveControlSuite software is installed
on it.
As the person responsible for the machine, ensure (e.g., by
telephone) that the device is accessed for remote maintenance by
an authorized person.
Do not allow a request to exist for an unnecessarily long period of