10 | More about MC6 and AS6?
05/2018 | ID 442461.04
Changes to the file system
If you have installed new Windows programs on the MC6 motion controller or modified system
settings, the changes to the file system have to be applied to the write-protected system
partition using the "Commit and Restart" command afterwards.
If "Commit and Restart" is not used, all changes will be lost after a restart. This does not apply
to user programs that are written to the MC6 using AutomationControlSuite.
The batch files needed for "Commit and Restart" are located on the desktop of the MC6 in the
"Batch Files" folder.
Material damage!
If you disconnect the MC6 from the 24 V
power supply while the "Commit and Restart"
command is running, this can cause damage to the file system or the CFast card.
Do not interrupt the "Commit and Restart" command.
"Commit and Restart" can take several minutes and involves restarting the MC6.