Doc ID 022868 Rev 1
1 Overview
1.1 Features
Four 5 V power supply options: Power jack, ST-LINK/V2 USB connector, user USB
connector or daughterboard
Audio jack connected to I2S DAC, or STM32L152ZDT6 internal DAC
Microphone connected to ADC using integrated op amp as amplifier
2 GByte (or more) MicroSD Card on SDIO interface
Temperature sensor and RF EEPROM on I2C compatible serial interface
RS-232 interface configurable for communication or Flashloader
IrDA transceiver
JTAG and trace debug support, embedded ST-LINK/V2
4 Kbit serial Flash, 512K x16-bit SRAM and 128 Mbit NOR Flash
240x320 TFT color LCD connected to FSMC interface of STM32L152ZDT6
Joystick with 4-direction control and selector
Reset and Tamper or key button
4 color user LEDs and 3 LEDs as MCU power range indicator
MCU consumption measurement circuit
LCD glass 40 x 8 segments connected to LCD driver of STM32L152ZDT6
Extension connector for daughterboard or wrapping board
MCU voltage choice of 3.3 V or adjustable from 1.65 V to 3.6 V
USB FS connector
Touch slider
Light dependent resistor (LDR)
One MCU integrated op amp configured as Sallen-Key 2nd order low pass filter
One MCU integrated op amp configured as amplifier with adjustable gain
One ADC / DAC input signal connector
1.2 Demonstration
Demonstration software is preloaded in the board's Flash memory for easy demonstration of
the device peripherals in stand-alone mode. For more information and to download the
latest version available, please refer to the STM32L152D-EVAL demonstration software
available on www.st.com.
1.3 Order
To order the STM32L152ZDT6 evaluation board, use the order code STM32L152D-EVAL.