Controller area network (bxCAN)
DocID018909 Rev 11
FIFO management
Starting from the
state, the first valid message received is stored in the FIFO which
. The hardware signals the event setting the FMP[1:0] bits in the
CAN_RFR register to the value 01b. The message is available in the FIFO output mailbox.
The software reads out the mailbox content and releases it by setting the RFOM bit in the
CAN_RFR register. The FIFO becomes
again. If a new valid message has been
received in the meantime, the FIFO stays in
state and the new message is
available in the output mailbox.
If the application does not release the mailbox, the next valid message will be stored in the
FIFO which enters
state (FMP[1:0] = 10b). The storage process is repeated for
the next valid message putting the FIFO into
state (FMP[1:0] = 11b). At this
point, the software must release the output mailbox by setting the RFOM bit, so that a
mailbox is free to store the next valid message. Otherwise the next valid message received
will cause a loss of message.
Refer also to
Section 32.7.5: Message storage
Once the FIFO is in
state (i.e. the three mailboxes are full) the next valid
message reception will lead to an
and a message will be lost. The hardware
signals the overrun condition by setting the FOVR bit in the CAN_RFR register. Which
message is lost depends on the configuration of the FIFO:
If the FIFO lock function is disabled (RFLM bit in the CAN_MCR register cleared) the
last message stored in the FIFO will be overwritten by the new incoming message. In
this case the latest messages will be always available to the application.
If the FIFO lock function is enabled (RFLM bit in the CAN_MCR register set) the most
recent message will be discarded and the software will have the three oldest messages
in the FIFO available.
Reception related interrupts
Once a message has been stored in the FIFO, the FMP[1:0] bits are updated and an
interrupt request is generated if the FMPIE bit in the CAN_IER register is set.
When the FIFO becomes full (i.e. a third message is stored) the FULL bit in the CAN_RFR
register is set and an interrupt is generated if the FFIE bit in the CAN_IER register is set.
On overrun condition, the FOVR bit is set and an interrupt is generated if the FOVIE bit in
the CAN_IER register is set.
32.7.4 Identifier
In the CAN protocol the identifier of a message is not associated with the address of a node
but related to the content of the message. Consequently a transmitter broadcasts its
message to all receivers. On message reception a receiver node decides - depending on
the identifier value - whether the software needs the message or not. If the message is
needed, it is copied into the SRAM. If not, the message must be discarded without
intervention by the software.
To fulfill this requirement, the bxCAN Controller provides 28 configurable and scalable filter
banks (27-0) to the application. This hardware filtering saves CPU resources which would
be otherwise needed to perform filtering by software. Each filter bank
x consists of two 32-bit
registers, CAN_FxR0 and CAN_FxR1.