Real-time clock (RTC)
DocID025202 Rev 7
Each 1 Hz clock edge is compared to the nearest RTC_REFIN clock edge (if one is found
within a given time window). In most cases, the two clock edges are properly aligned. When
the 1 Hz clock becomes misaligned due to the imprecision of the LSE clock, the RTC shifts
the 1 Hz clock a bit so that future 1 Hz clock edges are aligned. Thanks to this mechanism,
the calendar becomes as precise as the reference clock.
The RTC detects if the reference clock source is present by using the 256 Hz clock
(ck_apre) generated from the 32.768 kHz quartz. The detection is performed during a time
window around each of the calendar updates (every 1 s). The window equals 7 ck_apre
periods when detecting the first reference clock edge. A smaller window of 3 ck_apre
periods is used for subsequent calendar updates.
Each time the reference clock is detected in the window, the asynchronous prescaler which
outputs the ck_apre clock is forced to reload. This has no effect when the reference clock
and the 1 Hz clock are aligned because the prescaler is being reloaded at the same
moment. When the clocks are not aligned, the reload shifts future 1 Hz clock edges a little
for them to be aligned with the reference clock.
If the reference clock halts (no reference clock edge occurred during the 3 ck_apre window),
the calendar is updated continuously based solely on the LSE clock. The RTC then waits for
the reference clock using a large 7 ck_apre period detection window centered on the
ck_spre edge.
When the RTC_REFIN detection is enabled, PREDIV_A and PREDIV_S must be set to their
default values:
PREDIV_A = 0x007F
RTC_REFIN clock detection is not available in Standby mode.
27.3.12 RTC smooth digital calibration
The RTC frequency can be digitally calibrated with a resolution of about 0.954 ppm with a
range from -487.1 ppm to +488.5 ppm. The correction of the frequency is performed using
series of small adjustments (adding and/or subtracting individual RTCCLK pulses). These
adjustments are fairly well distributed so that the RTC is well calibrated even when observed
over short durations of time.
The smooth digital calibration is performed during a cycle of about 2
RTCCLK pulses, or
32 seconds when the input frequency is 32768 Hz. This cycle is maintained by a 20-bit
counter, cal_cnt[19:0], clocked by RTCCLK.
The smooth calibration register (RTC_CALR) specifies the number of RTCCLK clock cycles
to be masked during the 32-second cycle:
Setting the bit CALM[0] to 1 causes exactly one pulse to be masked during the 32-
second cycle.
Setting CALM[1] to 1 causes two additional cycles to be masked
Setting CALM[2] to 1 causes four additional cycles to be masked
and so on up to CALM[8] set to 1 which causes 256 clocks to be masked.
CALM[8:0] (RTC_CALR) specifies the number of RTCCLK pulses to be masked during the
32-second cycle. Setting the bit CALM[0] to ‘1’ causes exactly one pulse to be masked
during the 32-second cycle at the moment when cal_cnt[19:0] is 0x80000; CALM[1]=1
causes two other cycles to be masked (when cal_cnt is 0x40000 and 0xC0000); CALM[2]=1