Battery Testing
Testing your SPP950 to determine its functional condition
can be done in two ways. The first is to test the open circuit
voltage of the battery to determine the state of charge
with a voltmeter. Testing Open Circuit Voltage means
testing the battery’s voltage with nothing connected to the
battery (disconnect one terminal).
Consult the chart below to compare your readings:
Having the proper battery or amount of batteries for the
system to be powered is extremely important to the life of
the battery. When planning your power delivery system
make sure you have the right amount of battery power so
as to not discharge the battery too deeply during normal
operation. Even though the Stinger batteries have the best
deep cycling ability in the market, the deeper the battery is
cycled the shorter the life expectancy will be. This is evident
in the chart below:
Typical Stinger SPP950 Cycling Ability
vs. Depth of Discharge
Depth of Discharge
Typical Life Cycles
Please discuss battery selection with your Stinger dealer prior
to installation if you have any questions.
State of Charge vs. Open Circuit Voltage
State of Charge
Open Circuit Voltage
12.85 volts
12.5 volts
12.2 volts
11.9 volts
11.6 volts
Proper Battery Selection
The second way to test the battery is by using a load tester
(SPTG1 Stinger Battery Tester) or equivalent usually available at
your Stinger dealer or most auto service centers). A load test is
performed on batteries that are suspect of having reduced
output capacity. For example a battery’s open circuit voltage
tests good but the battery is unable to support a load.
Approximate Charging Times
based on using a Current Tapering Charger set at
14.7 to 15 volts and 100% re-charge.
Automotive Current Tapering
Charger Rated @:
5 amps
20 hours min.
26 hours max.
10 amps
15 hours min.
19 hours max.
15 amps
10 hours min.
15 hours max.
20 amps
6.5 hours min.
9 hours max.
25 amps
5 hours min.
7.5 hours max.
30 amps
4 hours min.
6.5 hours max.
Proper charging is crucial for proper performance of the
SPP950. We recommend keeping the SPP950’s voltage
maintained at 12.8 volts (open circuit) by means of a
properly designed regulated charging system. If your
battery has been discharged well below the
recommended 12.8 volts we recommend following chart to
the right for proper recharging of the SPP950. The charging
times stated are using an automotive Current Tapering
Charger or otherwise know as a Constant Voltage Charger.
These chargers are microprocessor controlled and will
regulate the charge voltage and current far better than
the run of the mill automotive power charger. Contact
Stinger for more information on how to obtain one of these
superior chargers.
Never use an inexpensive constant current or “trickle”
charger! These chargers do not have regulated charging
abilities. They can overcharge the SPP950 causing severe
damage to the battery. Even a small amount or .5 amp
from a trickle charger if left on after the battery is fully
charged will overcharge the battery. Overcharging will
overheat and dry out the electrolyte causing the battery to
fail prematurely. Overcharged batteries are not covered
under warranty.
An undercharged battery not only has a temporary
reduction in capacity, if left in an undercharged state or
continually undercharged, the capacity and life of the
battery will be permanently reduced. The battery warranty
does not cover batteries that fail due to undercharging. For
this reason we recommend that you keep the battery fully
charged at all times with a properly designed charging
system that charges at 13.8 volts for float/standby usage
and 14.5-15 volts in cyclic applications.
Important Charging Information
Battery Design:
12 volt Dry Cell VRLA
6.50” Wide 6.93” Deep 4.92” High
23.59 lbs.
Internal Resistance:
<5 mOhms
Constant Discharge Capacity at 77o F10.5 Volts:
20 hour rate:
5 hour rate:
½ hour rate:
Typical Cycle Life: 400 cycles @ 100% depth of discharge
(100% depth of discharge is down to 10.5 volts. No lower!)
5 second Cranking
950 Amps
410 Amps
Maximum Charging
30 Amps
Any of the following actions will void the warranty!
Exposure of battery to gasoline or diesel fuel.
Removal of the battery’s top cover.
Removing or destroying the battery’s shipping date code.
Long Time Vehicle Storage
If you are going to store your vehicle for longer than 60 days
you will need to take the following steps to prevent long term
damage to the SPP950.
1. Disconnect the battery from any power draining devices.
2. Do not leave a trickle charger on the battery. This will over-
charge the battery.
3. If you have components that need to stay powered during
storage, ie: car alarm system, you may use a battery tender
device. They have a regulated output that will monitor battery
voltage closely and keep the battery at peak voltage. Choose a
tender that has the ability to reduce charge to .05 amps (five
hundredths of an amp, not half an amp).
4. Do not store battery in a discharge state.