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Set parameters per cooling:
Temperature at which the cooling controls.
Maximum RH (the cooling switches off when this percentage is exceeded).
Show measurements/calculations of the above parameters.
“Soaking” function - only if the house is
not in use
- (this option is only
available with cooling 1, if installed):
The cooling is fully energised during the “Period on” time (i.e. On or 100%). As
soon as the status of the house changes, “Soaking” is set to “Off” to prevent
soaking from starting immediately after the house has been set to “Not in use”.
Set temperature growth curve per cooling.
“Reduction” function:
Prevent that too much cold air is drawn into the house when the outside
temperature is low and the current house temperature is higher than the house
temperature setting. The reduction restricts the current cooling operation.
Set a temperature range within which the reduction must be active:
At “Start reduction” and “Reduce until”, enter a temperature difference relative
to the cooling “Temperature setting”.
Switch cooling alarm on/off.
Set alarm limits.
View alarm state.