EAC 5 | 15
Substitute temperature
Setup > Living comfort
Adjustment of the outdoor temperature value which is used to calculate the target charge rate in case of failure. This setting
enables to manually control the heat demand of the system if the outdoor temperature sensor fails or the weather report is
not available.
Factory setting: <set automatically if outdoor temperature value available>, setting range: -25°C .. +25°C
Use of fan
Setup > Living comfort (Self-learning charging model only)
Adjustment of the desired intensity of the use of the fan for storage heaters. This value has an influence on the charging in-
tensity in case of self-learning charging. The higher the setting for the use of the fan is, the lower the charging is for the same
heat demand. Thus the stored energy is made better use of.
Factory setting: as required, setting options: rarely, as required, frequently
Setup > Living comfort (Classic charging model only)
Setting of the runtime in hours after the main charge release for a faster start of the classic charging models after an extended
period without power. The required entry is the number of hours that have passed since the last start of the night time re-
lease. Example: Data entry at 11:00 in the morning with start of night time release at 22:00
13 hours.
Factory setting: <set automatically by signal "Charge release">, setting range: 0 h .. 23 h