STI S.r.l.
– Via Dei Caravaggi 15, 24040 Levate (BG) – ITALY www.imi-critical.com
Manual 4049, rev. 00 05/2017
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Every FTC smart positioner is provided with a label contains the main operating conditions and serial
number. The label may change if the FTC smart positioner is sold with reference to a Certificate of product
and/or system issued by Notified Body Exterior or Certificate of Conformity issued by STI S.r.l..
Figure 2
– FTC standard label
It is forbidden to modify the information and the marks without previous written
authorization by STI S.r.l..
Do not remove the label and/or replace with other label.
It is severely forbidden to use the FTC positioner under conditions other than
those provided on the label.
Always observe the specifications and special requirements for your positioner
stipulated in the applicable certificate.