Comparison Microscope
Operating Instructions
A. Features and Functions
Through optical enlargement, this comparison microscope, can help the user to observe
clearly, by looking into the same eyepiece set, the images in both the right and left imaging view
fields, and compare two or more objects effectively in cutting, joining or overlapping view fields.
Due to its powerful magnification, this instrument enables the user to perceive the differences
between very small similar objects.
Model NYMC0035000C Comparison Microscope is a new generation product of our long-
time experience and technical innovation. With our success in solving the technical problem of the
adjustability of its comparison line width, which has been listed as one of the national technical
secrets, its quality has, therefore, reached the international advanced standard.
Model NYMC0035000C is our improved product on Model NYMC0035000A. It not only
has all the technical properties of Model NYMC0035000A, but also offers better image quality
and higher magnification. With more illuminating modes, more attachments, better shape and
structure, it therefore performs a superior work.
This model is an ideal instrument for police stations, procuratorial organs and courthouses to
identify finger prints, shot marks, tool traces, seals and writings, and for colleges and universities
to use for educational purposes as well. It is also suitable for banks, archeological studies,
electronics researches, biological science and agriculture.