Star Micronics LC24-200 Colour User Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for LC24-200 Colour

Page 1: ...USERS MANUAL LC24 200 LC24 200cc muR ZBL 80821757 ...


Page 3: ...m c w C B l a w 0 p 1 s p a w p a P O 2 a r t o f w d o a s w b t p w a p m w a m 2 M N I O G J 1 s p l o p e l t d a 7 a s a o p m G T A L X L S S R S M C L P P P X P X P I B M C M B M M C L L S E C N r r R p t m f w w S e p f c t m s c w n e h b m t a c t m p H s e d S w g a b i t o a n S a r e m C o p y r 1 9 S t M i c r C o L t ...

Page 4: ...pter 2 Controlpaneloperations There are a numberof controlson the frontpanel whichperformvarious functionsrelatedto paperhandling printmodesand fontselection Aftergettingsetup readthischapterandtry outthe variousproceduresin it to findouthowtheprinterworks Chapter 3 Defaultsettings ThischapterexplainshowtousetheElectronicDIPSwitch EDS modeto makesystemsettingson the printer Chapter 4 Pnntcr contro...

Page 5: ... to demonstratethe capabilitiesof the printer Chapter 7 Troubleshootingandmaintenance Thissectiongivesachecklistofpointstocheckifyourpnnteris notworking in the expectedway It also includesdetailsof someroutinemaintenance operationsyoucancarryoutyourself Itisnot however acompleteservice manual Callaqualifiedserviceengineerif youareunsureofyourabilityto carryout anymaintenanceor servicingoperations ...

Page 6: violet yellow orange and n add a colordimensionto yourprintedoutputby the colorversionprinter Largevarietyof fontsand sizes Theprinterhasonedraftfon oneHigh eed DraftfontandfiveLQ fonts Romm SanSerif Courier Pmtige and Script italicsfor all styles plus condensedprint bold print double sized pnn and quadruple sized print Extensivesoftwaresuppofl Sinceit is compatible withthe Epsonand IBMprintm i...

Page 7: ... Loading thepaperfromtherearoftheprinter Loading thepaperfromthebottom oftheprinter Paperparking Paperunparking Loading Multi Part Forms Adjusting thePrinting Gap Chapter 2 CONTROL PANEL OPERATIONS Buttons andIndicators ONLINEbutton PAPER FEEDbutton SET EJECT PARK button PITCH button FONTbutton Power Up Functions Shorttestmode Longtestmode Printareatestmode Stayinpanelpitch Stayinpanelfont Stayinp...

Page 8: ...ds ColorSelection Commandes OtherPrinterControl Commands Chapter 5 DOWNLOAD CHARACTERS Defining YourOwnCharacters withStandard Mode Assigning thecharacter data Assigning a valueofcharacter space Sample program Defining YourOwnCharacters withIBMMode Assigning thedownload character set Assigning thecharacter dotpattern Assigning theIndexTabledata Sample program Chapter 6 MS DOSANDYOUR PRINTER Instal...

Page 9: ... Standard Character Set 2 IntemationaJ Character Sets IBMCharacter Set 2 Codepage 437 U S A Codepage 850 Multi 1ingual Codepage 860 Portuguese Codepage 861 Icelandic Codepage 863 Canadian French Codepage 865 Nordic IBMCharacter Set 1 IBMSpecial Character Set Proportional Spacing Table 111 111 112 112 114 117 117 119 123 124 126 127 128 128 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 INDEX 149 COMMANDSUMMARY 1...

Page 10: ... e c Awayfromexcessivehumidity Awayfromexcessivedust Supplyit with clean electricity Donotconnectittothe samecircuitas a large noise producingappliancesuchas a refrigerator Make sure the line voltage is the voltage specified on the printer s identificationplalc To disconnectthe printertheplughasto be disconnectedfromthe wall socket whichhas to be locatedcloseto the printer andeasyto access Install...

Page 11: ...hiteminthe boxagainstFigure1 1to makesumthatyouhaveeverything thereshould be six items If anyof theseitemsammissing contactyoursupplier F ms l 1 Checktomakesureyou haveallsixitems 1 Printer 2 Paperguide 3 Roller unit 4 Platen knob 5 Ribbon cartridge and 6 Manual set User s manual User s guide and Sticker 2 ...

Page 12: ...the followingpartsin Figure 1 2 I I Figure 1 2 The printer s external psrts Roller unit holdsthe paperagainstthe platen Release lever releasestheplaten Thislevermustbebackfor singlesheets and forwardfor fanfoldforms Top cover protectstheprintheadandotherinternalparts Rear cover protectsthe tractorfeedmechanism Entry slot for insertingsinglesheetsof paper Control panel controlsvariousprinterIimctio...

Page 13: ... the carton Be sure to remove the knob from the packaging Mountthe knobon the platenshaft whichis on the right handsideof the printer Rotatethe knob on the shaft beforepushingthe knob fully into position P1 itenhnob F gun 1 3 Mounting the platen knob Installing the ribbon cartridge and the roller unit Removethetopcoverby liftingup the front usingthe two gripsoneither side and pullingthe covertowar...

Page 14: ...seon the ribboncartridgeto tightenthe ribbonif it is slack 2 Guidethenbbonbetweenthepnnthead andthesilverprintheadshield making certain that the spindleson the cartridgeholder fit into the socketson the cartridgeitself Figure 1 5 Installing the ribbon cartridge 5 ...

Page 15: ...ouhaveinstalledthe ribboncartridge installthe rollerunit Openthe r ar coverusingthe two pitson eitherside Grippingthelockleversonbothsidesoftherollerunit fitthemounting bracketsontothe shaftinsideof theprintermechanism Youwillneed to tilt the rollerunit slightlybackward Securethe roller unit firmly by loweringinto position as shown in Figure 1 7 Closethe rearcover 6 ...

Page 16: ...ethe top cover insertthe tabs into the slotson the printercase Swingthe frontedgedownto closethe cover Leavethe top coverclosedduringnormaloperation The coverkeepsout dustanddirtandreducestheprinter soperatingsounds Openthecoveronly to changethe ribbonor makean adjustment ...

Page 17: ...ffthepowerswitchatthefrontoftheprinter andremovethetop cover 2 Removethe connectorcoverat the rightsideof the printer 3 Push out the cap fromthe connectorcover NOTE Keepthiscap in a safetyplace Optional cartl i igc Figurs 1 8 Slide the csrtridge imo the slot with the power switch off 4 Installthe connectorcoverintothe printer 5 Inscrtthecartridgeintotheslotofthecmnnectorcover andslideit allthe way...

Page 18: ...gurationof the printer sconnectoris given in Chapter 8 should you need a cable for connectionto another computer If youneedto comect to a serialport usethe optionalSerial Parallelcon verter SPC 8K 1 Figure 1 9 Connecting the interface cable Plugtheprinterintoasuitableoutlet However DONOTturnonthepower switchat the frontof the printeryet NOTE To disconnecttheprintertheplughasto be disconnectedfromt...

Page 19: ...ding 1 Placethe paper guidein positionby insertingthe tabs locatedon the bottomof the assembly intothe slotson the rearcoverof the printer lever Figure 1 10 Mounting the paper guide for single sheets 2 Adjustthepaperguidesto matchthe sizeofthepaper youwillbeusing Rememberthatprintingwillstartsomedistancefromtheleft handedge of the carriage 3 Tumonthe powerusingtheswitchlocatedatthefrontofthe print...

Page 20: ...n whichyou wanttoprinttowardsthebackoftheprinter Gentlypushthepaperdown in the guidesuntilyoufeelit stop Nowpressthe sE cT button Thepaperwillbefedintotheprinter and adjustedpasttheprintheadto a positionreadyfor printing If youwanttosetthepaperto adifferentposition setthepnnteroff line by pressingthe ONLINE button en set the paper by using the micro feedfunction Fordetails referto Chapter2 1 Figur...

Page 21: guidesto matchthe size of paper you will be using Rememberthatprintingwillstartsomedistancefromtheleft handedge of the carnage 4 Placea singlesheetbetweenthe guides placingthe sideon whichyou wanttoprinttowardsthebackoftheprinter Gentlypushthepaperdown in the guidesuntilyoufeelit stop 5 Turntheplatenknobclockwiseuntilthe frontedgeof the papercomes out fromunderthe top cover 6 If the paper is no...

Page 22: ...nda perforation Loading the paper from the rear of the printer Youcanloadthefanfoldpapereitherfromtherearorfromthebottomofthe printer If youaregoingto loadthepaperfromthebottom refertothenext section 1 2 3 4 5 Placeastackoffanfoldpaperbehindandatleastonepage lengthbelow the printer Turnthe printer spowerOFF Pushthereleaseleverforward Thishastheeffectofreleasingthepaper fromthe platenroller andenga...

Page 23: ...eof the tractorunitas shownin Figure 1 13 Figure 1 13 Move the tractor units dawnwards for loading the paper from the rear 7 Withthetractorcoversopen mountthepaperbyaligningholeswiththe pins on the tractorunit Ieve rlgws 7 74 rvmun tne ranrola paper over me Iraclor urms 14 ...

Page 24: ...itchlocatedatthefrontoftheprinter The printerwill beep indicatingthat the paperis not yet fullyloaded The orangePOWER indicatorwillalso flashto confirmthis 11 Nowpressthe c s pd c button Thepaperwillbe fed andadjusted pastthe printheadto a positionreadyfor printing 12 Ifyouwanttosetthepaperto adifferentposition settheprinteroff line by pressing the ON LINE button then set the paper by using the mi...

Page 25: ...orunit andpullthe uni upwardsas showninFigure 1 16 Figure 1 16 Pull up the tractor unit for bottom feeding 4 5 6 Placea stackof fanfoldpaperbelowthe printer Withthe tractorcoversopen mountthe paperfromthe bottomof the printer by aligningholeswiththe pinson the tractorunit Adjustthespacingofthetractorunitsbyslidingthemalongthebar using the clamp lever at the back of each unit to release and lock th...

Page 26: ...dingfanfoldpaperfromthe rearof theprinter youdo nothaveto unloadit whenyouwantto printon a singlesheet Theprinterwill park it for you if youfollowthe procedurebelow 1 To beginpaperparking startwithpowerON fanfoldpaperloadedin printingposition andthe releaseleverforward 2 Pressthe ONLINE buttonon thecontrolpanelto settheprinteroff line ONLINE indicatorwillturn off 3 Tearoff the printedformat thelas...

Page 27: ...aperremainsparkedatthe back of the printer NOTE Youcannotpark the fanfoldpaperif you haveloadedit fromthe bottomof the printer Paper unparking Whenyouwantto resumeusingfanfoldpaper theprocedureis asfollows 1 Removeall singlesheetsfromthe printer 2 Mountthe paperguidein the horizontalposition 3 Movethe releaseleverto the front 4 Pressthe SE AE CT button Theprinterwillautomatically feedthe parkedfan...

Page 28: pleasereferto Chapter3 Itisrecommended touseformsjointedbydottedorpastingunderthenormal officecondition Multi partformsshouldbepressuresensitive andshouldnotbeusedinthe frictionfeed Bottomfeedwiththepull tractoris recommended NOTE Whenprintingcontinuousmulti partforms careshouldbe taken asthe edgesof the papermightbe damaged The tolerance between the dotted or pasted position and other position...

Page 29: ...eof the printer mechanism Pushing the adjustmentlever backwardsnarrows the gap pullingit forwardswidensthe gap Therearesixpositions andyoucanfeeltheIeverclickingintoeachposition Thesecondpositionfromtherearistheonemostcommonlyusedforsingle sheetsofpaper Trydifferentpositionsuntilyougetthebestprintingresults Donot setthe leverout of the markedpositions Adjustment lever Figure 1 18 Location of the a...

Page 30: Recommended Each paper Total Lever position 52 82 0 07 0 10 2nd 83 90 0 11 0 12 I 3rd I 40 58 0 12 0 16 3rd 0 18 0 20 40 58 3rd 0 21 0 25 4th 0 24 0 26 40 58 4th 0 27 0 30 5th 0 30 0 33 5th 40 58 0 34 0 35 6th NOTE Pressuresensitivepaperis recommendedforthemulti partpaper Multi partmodeis recommendedwhenusingthe 4 plyand5 ply paper Referto Chapter3 21 ...

Page 31: ...MEMO 22 ...

Page 32: ...dand reverse Park fanfoldforms Setthe top of formposition Selectthe printpitch Selecta font Printtestpatterns Preventsoftwarefromchangingthe panelpitchandfontselections Printa hexadecimaldump Clearthe printer sbuffer Changethe printcolor colorprinteronly Storemacrodefinition BUTTONS AND INDICATORS The printeris equippedwithfivebuttonson thecontrolpanel Fromleftto right they are T6NT and FiTCR smal...

Page 33: ...rforming the panel operation s pressthe C ONLINE buttonagainto go backon line To pauseduringprinting If you press the ONLINE button duringprinting the printer stops printingandgoesoff line allowingyouto checkthe printoutor change acontrolpanelsetting Printingresumeswhenyoupressthe ONLINE buttonagainto go backon line To cut fanfoldformsat the endof printing Whenusingfanfoldforms youcanholdthe ONLIN...

Page 34: ...paperhas beenloaded this buttonresultsin differentfi mctions de pendingon the positionof the releaselever If the mlcaseleveris forwardfor fanfoldforms pressingthisbuttonparks the forms If the releaseleveris backfor singlesheets pressingthisbuttonejectsthe paper PITCH button Thisbuttonallowsyoutoselecttheprintingpitch Rememberthattheprinter must be off linefor you to do this Successivepressesof thi...

Page 35: ...setthe printeroff line then press the buttonrepeatedlyuntilthe indicatorsbesidethe desired selectionilluminate The selectionscyclein the followingorder Font Indicator s Draft HS DRAFT ROMAN Roman ROMAN Sansenf ROMAN COURIER Courier COURIER Prestige COURIER SCRIPT script SCRIPT option OPTION High Speed Draft HS DRAFT TheOptionFontselectionwillbeskippedunlessafontcartridgeisinstalled 26 ...

Page 36: ...OP 11I 214 5 7h ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abrd 1Fh I Jk I nlfl vq F d 4 s 7hv o ABcDEf GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY Z 1 abcdet 1 I ik 1mlIOPLII z I I II I 7d 7h ABCDEFGH I JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ I abcde f h i i k I rnn p l rs h WAB DEFGH I JKLMNIJI QRSTIIVWXYZ abrd f t 1 1k lmllf PQr t l L 1 I i I J 17 b w ABCDEFGRI JKLMNOPQRSTLi VWXYZ abcdt I F11 h I mru k l rs t 1 Figure2 3 Short self test Sincetheself test...

Page 37: ...printerwillenterthe longself testmode Theprinterwillprintthe version numberoftheprinter sROMandthecurrentEDSsettings followedbythe wholecharactersetprintedin eachfontandpitchavail ble hetestcyclesendlessly so youmustturnthe poweroff to stopit c 5 old S D 0 4 2s Fkwre 2 4 Lena self test ...

Page 38: ... pitchcan onlybeselectedfromthecontrolpanel Thispreventssoftwareinterference Youwillhear an acknowledging beepas powercomeson Afterthebeeptone youcansettheprinteroff line selectaprintpitch then returnto on lineandstartprinting Thepitchyouselectedwillnot be reset or otherwisechangedby anycommandsyoursoftwaremay issue Stay in Panel Font Byholdingthe buttonduringpower up fontscanonlybe selected fromt...

Page 39: ...RINT WIDTH LPT1 255 20 FOR 1 0 TO 255 30 LPRINT CHR I 40 NEXT I 50 LPRINT 60 END If your systempasses the codes directlyto the printer withoutchanging them youwillget a printoutlikeFigure2 5 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA 06 OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 16 IC ID 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F i 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 0123456789 40 4...

Page 40: ... 89 8A BB 8C 8D 8E 8F 98 99 9A 96 9C 90 9E 9F A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF 68 69 8A BB BC BD BE BF C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D8 D9 DA DB DC DD OE DF E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz j Flgure2 Samplehexadecimal dumpwithlBM PC Whenthe IBM PCBASICinterpretersendshex codeOD carriagereturn it adds an extra hex OA line feed Hex c...

Page 41: line Pressthe PAPER FEED buttonandholdit down Theprinterwillstart performingsuccessivelinefeeds Whileholdingthe PAPER FEED buttondown pressthe ONLINE button then releaseboth buttons at the same time The printer will smoothlyejectthe currentpage Top of form Whenyoupowerontheprinter thetop of formpositionisautomatically set tothecurrentposition Ifthisisnotwhereyouwantthetopofthepagetobe youcan c...

Page 42: ...mentsin reverse to rctum to a higherpositionon the samepage NOTE Withfanfoldforms donottrytorctumtoapreviouspage Theper forationmaycatchinsidethe printerandcauseajam 1 Pressthe ON LINE buttonto setthe printeroff line 2 Press the ON LINE buttonagainandholdit down 3 Whileholdingthe ON LINE buttondown pressthe s C T 1 button Thepaperwillstartmovingbackwardsinascncsofsmallsteps Whenyouwantto stop rele...

Page 43: ...sunnecessary Ifprinting doesnot stop continueas follows Pressthe ON LINE buttonto set the printeroff line Printingwill nowstop buttheremaybe dataremainingin the buffer Pressandholdthe ONLINE button While pressing the ON LINE button down press and hold the _ button Continueholdingthesetwobuttonsdown InoneSeCOnd youwillheara beeptonesignalingthatthe bufferhasbeencleared If you holdthesebuttonsmoretw...

Page 44: ...color If you want to savethe selectedcolor for later use store it usingthe MacroDefinition NOTE This functions validonlywhenthecolorribbonisinstalledintothe colorprinter Store Macro Definition You camstore the current settingsto the printer for later use with the followingprocedure 1 2 3 4 Pressthe ONLINE buttonto settheprinteroff line Pressthe buttonandholdit down Whileholdingthe button down pres...

Page 45: ... Currentprintcolor colorprinteronly DatatobestoredarecontrolledinStandardmodeandIBMmodeseparately For example the data storedin the Standardmodeare not effectivein the IBMmode andviceversa 36 ...

Page 46: ...s TF CT PAPER FEED and ON LINE buttons In EDSmode the indicatorsandthe buttonson the controlpanelareused as shownbelowin Figure3 1 Usethe button to selectthe BankNumber Oneofthe FONT indi catorswillilluminateto showthe selectedBankNumber Usethe buttonto selecttheSwitchNumber Oneofthe PITCH in dicatov willilluminateto showthe selectedSwitchNumber The QUIET indicatorshowsthe currentsetting If youwan...

Page 47: A 3 AutoLFwithCR Disabled Enabled A 4 AutoSheetFeeder Notfitted Fitted I A 5 I Granhics Direction I Bi directional Uni directional i I Enabled i r B 1 Multi part Disabled B 2 Paper out Enabled Disabled B 3 Tear off Disabled Enabled B 4 Reserved LeaveON B 5 Printable Area TypeA TypeB c l PrintMode Seebelow c 2 c 3 PageLenglh Seebelow c 4 c 5 NotUsed D 1 Character Table Standard mode Graphics Ita...

Page 48: ... wantan automaticline feed If you leave this switchin the ON position a separateline feedcode is requiredfromyourcomputerto obtaina line feed If you move this switch to the OFFposition the printerperformsboth a carriagereturnandline feedeachtimeit receivesa carriage returncode Mostcomputersystemssendalinefeedcode orbotha carriagereturnand linefeed at the cndof eachline so thisswitchshouldbeleft ON...

Page 49: ...h B 4 This switch is used for technicalpurposeonly Leave this switchON Switch B 5 Which iype of printingarea do you want to use for single sheets Thisprintercanuse two typesof printingareaformatfor singlesheets ByputtingtheswitchON TypeA thetopofthefirstlineofprintingwill start1 6inchf omthetopofthepaper andtheprinicdareawillend 1 6inch fromtic bottomof the paper ByputtingtheswitchOFF TypeB the fi...

Page 50: ...symbolsof IBMcharacterset 2 See Chapter9 charactercodes 128to 254 IfyouselectedIBMmode doyouwantIBMcharacterset 1or 2 ON selectscharacterset 2 whichis forcomputerswithan 8 bitinterface themostcommonkind OFFselectscharacterset 1 forcomputerswith a 7 bitinterface SwitchesD 2 to D 4 Do you want an internationalcharacterset or IBM codepage Internationalcharactersetsdifferintheirassignmentof 14characte...

Page 51: ...ectedwhen LQ modeis selected as shownbelow I Font Name I E 1 IE 2 IE 3 IE 4 I Font Name I E 1 I E 2 I E 31 E 4 I Roman ION ION ION ION I Orator2 ION ONI ONIOI Sanserif OFF ON ON ON T W Light OFF ON ON OFF Courier ON OFF ON ON Letter Gothic ON OFF ON OFF Prestige OFF OFF ON ON Blippo OFF OFF ON OFF script ON ON OFF ON H Gothic ON ON OFFOFF I OCR B IOFFION IOFFION I Orane 10FFION10FFIOF 11 OCR A ON ...

Page 52: ...g this operation allowingyouto viewthepaperforoptimumalignment 3 Toadjusttheprinting usethe wkc and CPAPER FEED buttons The SZ AC CT button will move the second pass to the left The PAPER FEED buttonwillmovethe secondpassto the right DoT ADJUSTMENT SETTING LQ o LAVE LQ 1 11 1111 111111 1 IIlltffll llll II PAPER FEED Q o 4 Whenthetwopassesarealignedwitheachothertoformonecontinuous line the bidirect...

Page 53: ...cT MQ 1 111111111 1 1 111111 111 1 11111 lll 1 IIIIIIIIIIII JIJIIIIIII PApER FEEDfiQ o Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllljljjjljil ONLINE HfRAFT o 1 1 1 PApEFi FEED 1 JJ JJ JJ JJ f l lJJJJfJf sEJ p HiRAFT o l n ONLINE RAFT COND o z llllllllllllllllllililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll m END 44 ...

Page 54: ...Somecommandsare commontoboththestandardandIBMmodes Inthedescriptions ofthecom mands all commandswillbe categorizedby function The name of each commandis followedby a tablelikethe one below Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC X 1 27120 49 IB 78 31 ESC X 1 27120 1 IB 78 01 Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Indicatesthemodeinwhichthecommandisrecog nized Std Standardmode EDSswitchA 1 on IBM IBMmode ED...

Page 55: ... IB 49 00 Changestodraftqualitycharacterswithpicapitch 10cpi Ignored if the R5RT or FiT5 button waspressedduringpower up Select draft elite characters ModeI ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal 1 IIBM I cESC I 8 1 27 73 8 I IB 49 08 I Changestodraftqualitycharacterswithelitepitch 12cpi Ignored if the M or iRXi buttonwas pressedduringpower up Select draft condensed characters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IB...

Page 56: ...ESC I 2 27 73 2 16 49 02 Changestoletterqualitycharacterswithpicapitch 10cpi Ignored if the or buttonwas pressedduringpower up Select LQ elite characters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC I LF 27 73 10 IB 49 OA Changesto letterqualitycharacterswithelitepitch 12cpi Ignored if the T5NT or button waspressedduringpower up Select LQ condensed characters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC I DC2...

Page 57: ...ect later when LQ is selected Ignoredif thec buttonwaspressedduringpower up or the corresponding fontis not installed n Font O Roman 1 Sanserif 2 Courier 3 Prestige 4 script 5 OCR B Option 6 OCR A Option 7 Orator Option n Font 8 Orator2 Option 9 TW Light Option 10 LetterGothic Option 11 Blippo Option 12 H Gothic Option 13 Orane Option 14 Cinema Option 15 Code39 Option Select font Mode ASCII Decima...

Page 58: ...45 Causessubsequentcharactersto be emphasizedby addingextra thicknessto verticalstrokes Cancel emphasized printing Mode Ascli Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC F 27 70 16 46 Cancelsemphasizedprinting Double strike printing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC G 27 71 16 47 Causessubsequentcharactersto be printedin double strikemode withaslightverticalpapermotioninbetween causingathickening of horizo...

Page 59: ... and spaces skippedby horizontaltabulation are not underlined Stop underlining Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC O 27 45 48 IB 2D 30 ESC O 27 45 0 IB 2D 00 Stopsunderlining Start ovedining Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM p c l 27 95 49 IB 5F 31 ESC 1 27 95 1 IB 5F 01 Causessubsequentcharactersto be overlined Spacesskippedby horizontaltabulationarenot overlined overlining Mode ASCII Decima...

Page 60: ...lining 2 Doublecontinuousline 5 Singlebrokenline 6 Doublebrokenline Select ornament character Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC q n 27113 n IB 71 n Selects an ornarnent character accordingtothevalueof n asshown below n Character O Normal 1 Outline 2 Shadow 3 Shadowandoutline Superscript Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC S O 27 83 48 IB 53 30 ESC S O 27 83 0 IB 53 00 Causessubsequent cha...

Page 61: ...printing CHARACTER SET COMMANDS Select standard character set Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC t O 27116 48 IB 74 30 ESC t o 27116 0 IB 74 00 Std FS 4 I O 28 73 48 IC 49 30 FS I O 28 73 0 Ic 49 00 Selectsthe standardcharacterset This is the power updefaultin Standardmodeif EDS switchD 1 is OFF Select IBM character set Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal BottI ESC t l 2711649 IB 74 31 ESC t 1 271...

Page 62: ...II Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC R n 27 82 n IB 52 n Selects an international character setin the Standardcharacterset accordingto the valueof n n Characterset n Characterset O U S A 1 France 2 Germany 3 England 4 DenmarkI 5 Sweden 6 Italy 7 SpainI 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 64 Japan Norway DenmarkII SpainII Latin America Korea Irish Legal Thefirsteightof thesecharactersets fromU S A to SpainI can be select...

Page 63: ... of all character codes Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC Y d d 27 92 d d IB 5C nl n2 EnablesprintingofallcharactersintheIBMcharacterset including those assignedto charactercodeswhich are normallyconsidered controlcodes Thiscommandremainsineffectforthenextrd n2 x256 characters wherenl andn2arenumbersbetweenOand255 Duringthisintervalnocontrolfunctionsareexecuted Ifacodewith no assignedcharacte...

Page 64: ...H COMMANDS Pica pitch Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC P 27 80 IB 50 IBM 2DC2 18 12 In Standardmode changesfromeithereliteor semi condensed to pica pitch 10 cpi or fromcondensedeliteto condensedpica 17 cpi In IBMmode changesfromeithereliteor condensedto pica 10Cpi Ignored iftheCPiTCR button waspressedduringpower up Elite pitch Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC M 27 77 IB 4D IBM ESC 27 5...

Page 65: ...duringpower up Cancel condensed printing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both DC2 18 12 In Standardmode changesfromcondensedpicatonormalpicaor fromcondensedelitetonormalelite InIBMmode alwayschanges to normalpica Ignoredif the FRCi7 buttonwas pressedduring power up Expanded printing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC W l 27 87 49 IB 57 31 ESC W 1 27 87 1 IB 57 01 Causessubsequentcharactersto b...

Page 66: ...Hexadecimal Both DC4 20 14 Stopsone lineexpandedprintingsetwith S0 or ESC S0 Doesnot cancel ESC W 1 Select character width Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std FS E n 28 69 n IC 45 n Selectacharacterwidthaccordingtothevalueofnasshownbelow n o 1 2 Characterwidth Normal wide Double wide Triple wide Select proportional spacing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC p l 27112 49 IB 70 31 ESC p 1 27112 1...

Page 67: mode accordingto the value of n The valueofn isthesumofthevaluesgivenbelowforthedesiredchar acteristics Examples n 1giveselite n 9 1 8 givesemphasizedelite n 137 1 8 128 givesunderlinedemphasizedelite Function n value Underline 128 Italic 64 Expanded 32 Doublestrike 16 Emphasized 8 Condensed 4 Proportional 2 Elite 1 IIgnoredif the buttonwaspressedduringpower up Increase character spacing Mode ...

Page 68: ...ter size Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both S n 40 40 83 41 41 n 28 28 53 29 29 n Selectsacombination ofcharacterheightandwidthaccordingtothe valueof n as below Doesnot movethe baseline n Characterwidth Characterheight O Singlewidth 1 Doublewidth 2 Singlewidth 3 Doublewidth Singleheight Singleheight Doubleheight Doubleheight Print double height characters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal ESC W l 27...

Page 69: ...exadecimal IBM ESC 4 o 27 91 64 4 0 IB 5B 40 4 00 0 0 n m OOnm 00 00 n m Selectsa combinationof characterheight width andline spacing accordingtothevalueofnandm asbelow Docsnotmovethebase line n Line spacing Characterheight o Unchanged Unchanged 1 Unchanged Singleheight 2 Unchanged Doubleheight 16 Single Unchanged 17 Single Singleheight 18 Single Doubleheight 32 Double Unchanged 33 Double Singlehe...

Page 70: ...Setsthedistancethepaperadvancesor reversesin subsequentline feedsto 7 60inch standardmode or 7 72inch IBMmode Set line spacing to 1 6 inch Mode I ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC 2 27 50 IB 32 Setsthedistancethepaperadvancesor reversesin subsequentline feedsto 1 6inch Set line spacing to n 360 inch Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std cESC n 27 43 n IB 2B n FS 3 n 28 51 n IC 33 n Setsthedistancethe...

Page 71: ...l Hexadecimal Both ESC 3 n 27 51 n IB 33 n Sets the distance the paper advances or reverses in subsequent line feeds torz 180 inchor n 216inch wheren is betweenOand255 If n 0 in Standardmodetheline feeddistanceis settoO butin IBM modethis commandis ignored Set line spacing to n 60 inch or n 72 inch Mode ASC114 Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC A n 27 65 n IB 41 n In Standardmode setsthedistancethepaper...

Page 72: ...e ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC cLF 27 10 IB OA IBM 1 ESC 27 93 IB 5D Printsthecurrentlineandfeedsthepaperinthereversedirectionto the preceding line See the preceding commands for the line spacing Ignoredwhenfrictionfeedis used Select forward feed mode Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std FS F 28 70 IC 46 Cancelsthereversefeedmodeandselectsforwardfeedmode This is the defaultsettingat power on Se...

Page 73: ...spacingsetting Feed paper n lines IModel ASCII I Decimal I Hexadecimal I Std ESC f 1 n 27102 49 n IB 66 31 n ESC f 1 n 27102 1 n IB 66 01 n Feedsthepapern linesfromthecurrentline wheren is betweenO and 127 Set top of page at current position Model ASCII I Decimal I Hexadecimal IBM I ESC 4 I 27 52 I IB 34 Setsthecurrentpositionasthetop of pageposition Notethatthis can alsobe donefromthe controlpane...

Page 74: ...ginton lines wheren is between1and 127in Standardmode or between 1 and 255 in IBMmode The bottom marginis resetwhenyouchangethe pagelength Cancel bottom margin Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC O 27 79 IB 4F Cancelsthe bottommargin Form feed Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both FF 12 Oc Feeds the paper to the top of the next page according to the current page length and moves the print positi...

Page 75: ...imal Hexadecimal Both ESC 9 27 57 IB 39 Causesthe printer to stop printingbefore the end of the paper Overridesthe settingof EDS switchB 2 Set vertical tab stops Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC B nl n2 O 2766 nl n2 0 IB 42 nl n2 00 Cancelsallcurrentverticaltabstopsandsetsnewverticaltab stops atlinesnl n2 etc wheren n2 etc arenumbersbetween1and 255 A maximumof 16verticaltab stopscanbe set T...

Page 76: ...caltab stopsinthis channel A charnel is a set of verticaltab stops selectedby the cESC command See ESC B for parametersnl n2 0 Select vertical tab channel Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC r nO 27 47 nO IB 2F no Selectsa setof verticaltab stopsdesignatedby a channelnumber nO fromOto7 Thetabstopsineachchannelaresetby ESC b Vertical tab Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both VT 11 OB Feeds the pap...

Page 77: ...ite Expanded semi condensed Expanded condensed pica Expanded condensed elite Set right margin Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC 0 n 27 81 n IB 51 n Setstherightmarginatcolumnninthecurrentcharacterpitch pica pitch if proportionalspacing is currently selected Column n becomesthelastcharacterpositioninthelinc Thenghtmargindoes not moveif the characterpitchis changedlater The rightmargin mustbe w...

Page 78: ...atic line feed Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal LBM ESC 5 1 27 53 1 IB 35 01 Causesthe printerto performboth a carriagereturnandline feed each time it receivesa CR code This commandtakes priority overEDS switchA 3 Cancel automatic line feed Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC 5 O 27 53 0 IB 35 00 Causestheprintertoperformonlyacarnagereturnwhenitreceives a CR code ThiscommandtakespriorityoverEDS s...

Page 79: ...27 97 49 IB 61 31 ESC a 1 27 97 1 IB 61 01 Centerssubsequenttext betweentheleft andrightmargins Right justify Mode I ASCII I Decimal I Hexadecimal Std ESC a 2 27 97 50 IB 61 32 ESC a 2 27 97 2 IB 61 02 Alignssubsequent textwiththerightmargin leavingtheleftmargin ragged Full justify Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC a 3 27 97 51 IB 61 33 ESC a 3 27 97 3 IB 61 03 Alignssubsequenttextbetweenthe ...

Page 80: ... clearalltab stops specify ESC D o Set horizontal tab stops every n columns Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC e O n 27 101 48 n IB 65 30 n ESC e O n 27101 0 n IB 65 00 n Cancelsallcurrenthorizontaltabstopsandsetsnewtabstopsevery n columns wheren is between1 and 127 Reset all tab stops Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC R 27 82 IB 52 Resetsthehorizontaltab stopsto theirpower upvaluesin whi...

Page 81: ...SCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC d nl n2 27100 td n2 IB 64 nl n2 Setsthe nextprintpositionto nl n2x 256 120inchesfromthe currentposition Ignoredif thispositionis beyondthe rightmargin Themaximum positionis 8 inches Absolute horizontal tab in inches Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC nl n2 27 36 nl n2 IB 24 d n2 Setsthenextprintpositionto nl n2x 256 60inchesfromthelefi margin on the currentline...

Page 82: ... density 8 bit graphics Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC L nl d 27 76 nl d IB 4C nl n2 ml m2 ml d ml m2 Printsbit imagegraphicsat 120dotsper inchhorizontally maxi mum960dotswide See ESC K forotherinformation Print double density double speed 8 bit graphics Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC Y nl n2 27 89 nl d IB 59 nl n2 ml m2 ml m2 ml m2 Printsbit imagegraphicsat 120dotsper inchhorizo...

Page 83: ...abytesmustbe 3 x nl n2x 256 Dotsbeyondthe rightmarginareignored At the end of dot graphicsprinting the printer returns automaticallyto character mode Select graphics mode Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC nO nl 27 42 nO nl IB 2A nO nl ml ml n2 ml d n2 ml d Selectsoneof elevengraphicsmodesdependingonthevalueof nO andprintsbit imagegraphicsinthismode See ESC K for8 bit graphics or FS Z for24 bi...

Page 84: ...sity 60 dotsper inch 8 bitDouble density 120dotsper inch 8 bitDouble density double speed 120dotsper inch 8 bitQuadruple density 240dotsper inch 24 bitNormal density 60 dotsper inch 24 bitDouble density 120dotsper inch 24 bitTriple density 180dotsper inch 24 bitHex density 360dotsper inch Convert graphics density Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std 4ESC n m 27 63 n m IB 3F n m Convertsgraphicsdefin...

Page 85: ...the firstbyte mO specifiestheleftof the character the secondbyte ml specifiesthe characterwidth the third byte m2 specifiesthe right of the character These values mustnot exceedthe followingmaximumlimits Charactermode ml mO ml m2 Draft 9 12 LQpica 31 36 LQ elite 27 30 L semi condensed 19 24 3 LQ proportional 37 42 Draft super subscript 7 12 LQ sup r subscript 19 36 LQ prop super subscriptI 37 42 N...

Page 86: ...berof bytesto be downloaded n3 andn4indicatetheloworderandhighorderaddressesin which datais to be stored n3 shouldbe 15andn4 shouldbe 128forthis printer ti determinesthe charactermode to be downloaded as shown below rL5 Character mode Character width o Draft 9 1 LQpica 35 2 LQproportional 17 41 3 LQelite 29 ml throughm9 indicateIndexTabledata ml andm2indicatetheadresswhereDotPatternisstored ml ist...

Page 87: ...t n Font O Roman 1 Sanserif 2 Courier 3 Prestige 4 script 5 OCR B Option 6 OCR A Option 7 Orator Option 8 Orator2 9 TW Light 10 LetterGothic 11 Blippo 12 H Gothic 13 Orane 14 Cinema 15 Code39 Select download character set Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC l 27 37 49 IB 25 31 Esc o 1 27 37 1 IB 25 01 Selectsthe downloadcharacterset Ignore...

Page 88: ...quality andelitepitch 12 cpi Ignoredif the buttonwaspressedduringpower upor if EDSswitchA 2 is ON Select draft condensed download characters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC I DC4 27 73 20 IB 49 14 Selectsthe downloadcharacterset draft quality and condensed pitch 17 cpi Ignored if the GNT buttonwas pressed during power upor if EDS switchA 2 is ON Select LQ pica download characters Mode ASCII...

Page 89: ...acterset with condensedpitch 17 cpi Ignoredif the _ buttonwaspressedduringpower upor if EDS switchA 2 is ON Select LQ proportional download characters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC I 7 27 73 7 IB 49 07 Selects the LQ downloadcharacterset with proportionalpitch Ignoredifthe TGNT button waspressedduringpower uporifEDS switch A 2 is ON Select ROM character set Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal ...

Page 90: ...redif the colorribbonis notinstalled n Color n Color O Black 4 Yellow 1 Magenta 5 Orange 2 cyan 6 Green 3 Violet OTHER PRINTER Set MSB to 1 CONTROL COMMANDS Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC 27 62 IB 3E Setsthemostsignificantbit ofeachsubsequentbytereceivedto 1 allowinguserswitha7 bitinterfacetoaccesscharacterswithASCII codesgreaterthan 127 Set MSB to O Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC ...

Page 91: ...Decimal Hexadecimal Deletesthe lastline currentlypresentin the printbuffer Set printer off line Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std DC3 19 13 IBM ESC Q 27 81 36 16 51 24 Sets the printer off line The printer disregards all subsequent charactersandcommandsexcept DC1 whichreturnsittotheon line state Theprinter sONLINEindicatordoesnot go off Set printer on line Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both DC1 ...

Page 92: ...equentprintingto be donein the normalbidirectional mode whichis fasterthanunidirectionalprinting Unidirectional printing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Bo ESC U l 27 85 49 IB 55 31 ESC u 1 27 85 1 IB 55 01 Causessubsequentprintingto be doneunidirectionally ensuring maximumverticalalignmentprecision IgnoredwhenEDS switch A 5 is set ON One 1ineunidirectional printing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal S...

Page 93: ... ModeI ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal t ESC EM R Both 27 25 82 IB 19 52 R 40 40 82 41 41 28 28 52 29 29 Ejectsthecurrentpage Ignoredif EDSswitchA 4is ON ASFin active Set print start position on ASF Mode A5CII Decimal Hexadecimal ESC EM T n Both 27 25 84 n IB 19 54 n T n 40 40 84 41 41 n 28 28 54 29 29 n Skipsn 6inchesatthetopofthepage wherenisequaltoorgreater than 1 Ignoredif EDSswitchA 4is ON ASFinact...

Page 94: ...ouwantto download characterswithIBMmode youmusthavetheoptionalRAMcartridge RC 32Z installedin the monochromeprinter DEFINING YOUR OWN CHARACTERS WITH STANDARD MODE Designingand printingyour own charactershas two requirements first designingtheshapeofthecharacter calculatingthedatanecessarytomake the shape and sendingthat datato the printer and secondly sendingthe commandtoprintthedownloadedcharact...

Page 95: ...wecalculatetheverticalnumericalvaluesofthecolumnsofdots and enterthemunderneaththe grid Eachverticalcolumn whichhas a maxi mumof24 dots is firstdividedintothreegroups ortwogroupsfor super subscripts ofeightdots Eachgroupofeightdotsisrepresentedbyonebyte whichconsistsof eightbits Thisiswherethenumbersdowntheleftsideofthegridcomein Noticethat thereis a numberfor each row of dots and that each number...

Page 96: ...erthiswayinsteadofmerelydefiningthe overallwidthofthecharacter Becausethisprinter sproportionalcharacter definitionscan also be used to print normal width characters and by centeringeven the narrowcharactersin the completegrid they will look goodevenif you arenotprinting em proportionately Thethreebytesareusedto specifythe widthof thecharacterandthe space tobeallowedoneithersideofit Theleftspace i...

Page 97: ...1090 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 1160 1170 1180 1190 1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 1280 1290 1300 1310 1320 1330 LPRINT WIDTH LPTI 255 LPRINT CHR 27 X1 LPRINTCHR 27 CHR LPRINT CHR 60 CHR 61 FORN 60TO 61 READLS LPRINT CHR LS READcw LPRINT CHR icwj READRS LPRINT CHR RS FORM lTO CW 3 READMM o LPRINT CHR MM NEXT M NEXTN LPRINT CHR 27 D CHR 11 CHR 0 LPRINT CHR 27 k CHR 4 LPRINT CHR 27 h CHR...

Page 98: ...R 27 END S i CHR O 100UNITS 1000 PERSONS T 2 0 7 0 0 8 92 40 16 0 80 0 80 175 192 47 92 33 64 0 80 0 80 175 192 32 DATA Telephone Symbol DATA 3 31 DATA O 0 DATA 19 15 DATA 47 80 DATA 80 163 DATA 47 80 DATA 19 15 DATA O 0 Car Symbol DATA 3 31 DATA O 0 DATA 0 252 128 0 3 DATA 10 3 0 20 124 DATA 64 126 0 63 128 DATA 32 3 0 64 124 DATA 76 124 128 51 3 DATA O 0 0 92 40 0 0 2 0 0 30 0 47 80 63 80 0 23 0...

Page 99: ...gnthe charactersdependsuponthe characterset as shownbelow Characterset Characterwidth CharacterID Draftcharacters 9 0 LQ pica characters 35 1 LQ elitecharacters 29 2 LQ proportional 17 41 3 After you have decidedyour downloadcharacterset you must tell the printer where thedownloadcharacterdata to be stored and how many downloadcharactersetsyouwilldefine Thefirstdownloadfontareastartsfrom 800F h an...

Page 100: ...a Afteryouhavedesignedthecharacterpattern youwillneedtocompressthe DotPattern Datacompressionallowsyouto storemoredownloadcharac ters than withoutcompression It is a more efficientuse of memory The printer will repeat the previous dot column when the current column compressionmaskbit is setto l Filluptheadjacentdoteventheydonotprint thencomparetheeachventcal line to the left line If the line is th...

Page 101: ... 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819 202122232425 128 I I I I I I II I I I I II I I I I 111 I 04 32 16 8 4 2 1 128 I I I I I I I I 0 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 _ _ a I I I I I I I 32 w 8 w l w w 9 1 16 10 8 I 4 1 lololo Ili I 1 1 1 1 1 10 I Ill I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 q 1 1 t 1 _ _ _ 1 I 1 I I 128 64 32 16 8 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 2 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I Figure 5 5 Compressed...

Page 102: ...equires9 indextabledata Thefirstandthesecondbytes ml andTn2 indicatesthepositionofthefirst dotpatterninthememory ml isthehighorderbyte andrn2istheloworder byte Thethirdbyte m indicatesthecharactertype andthedotpatterndatawidth in the memory If the ch acter isnormal simply enter the width of dot pattern inthe memory If the characteris a block graphic add 128to the widthof dot patternin the memory O...

Page 103: ...70 1180 1190 1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 1280 1290 1300 1310 1320 1330 1340 1350 1360 1370 1380 1390 LPRINTWIDTH LPT1 255 LPRINTCHR 27 CHR 164 CHR 9 LPRINT CHR HOF CHR H80 cHR o INDEX TABLE LPRINT CHR 1 FOR1 0TO 59 LPRINT STRING 9 O NEXTI FORIT lTO 9 READMM LPRINT CHR MM NEXTIT FORIT lTO 9 READ MM LPRINT CHR MM NEXT IT FOR1 62TO 255 LPRINT STRING 9 O NEXTI DOTPATTERN FORDP lTO 159 READ...

Page 104: ... UNIT S 1000 PERSONS LPRINT CHR 27 T LPRINT CHR 27 END DATA Index Table Data DATA 137 17 25 227 96 DATA 137 92 28 227 96 Dot Pattern Data Telephone symbol DATA O 0 0 7 0 DATA 59 15 192 56 31 DATA 127 255 192 127 243 DATA 112 255 192 112 127 DATA Ca DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA 59 o 0 31 0 symbol o 0 0 0 30 0 255 128 0 255 14 127 0 28 124 27 2S4 0 127 252 96 127 192 112 127 3 124 0 0 254 4 242 0 9...

Page 105: ... ...

Page 106: ...oursoftware on printer installation If youhaveyourprintersetup instandardmode thenchooseanEpsonLQ 860as yourprinterto be selected Ifthisisnotmentioned chooseoneofthefollowing inorderofpreference StarXB24 10Color StarLC24 10 EpsonLQ 850 If you haveyourprintersetup with the EDS switchesto emulatean IBM ProprinterX24E simplychoosethisfromthelistofprintersavailableinthe applicationsoftwarelist If the ...

Page 107: ...rapplication software seek expertadvice Yoursoftwaresupplierwillprobablybe yourmostqualified reference EMBEDDING PRINTER COMMANDS Many word processorsand other softwarelack commandsfor changing font printingdouble sizecharacters orprintingincolor Yourprinterthere fore has commandsthat can be embeddedin documentsto controlthese functionswithoutsoftwarehelp The commandsconsistof a capitalletter encl...

Page 108: ...elddown whenpowerwas switchedon Thecolor C commandis validonlywiththe colorprinter A line consistingof commandaloneprintsas a blankline Thesoftwarewillnotknowthatthesearecommands soyoucannottrust yoursoftwareto giveyouthecorrectlinewidth Theprintedlinemaybe considerablyshorterthanthelineonthescreen theextraspacebeingthe spacethat wasoccupiedby the commands Onewaytohandlethelastproblemistoprepareyo...

Page 109: ...essage asking which printerto use Name of 1i s t device PRN If yourcomputerisconnectedto onlyoneprinter pressRETURNto select the default choice PRN Printing will begin and the A prompt will reappear You canexecuteothercommandsor programswhilethe file is beingprinted A singlePRINTcommandcanprinttwoor morefiles Listthe filenames consecutivelyonthe sameline orusewild cardcharacters and Each filewillb...

Page 110: ...frompreviouscommands Theanglebracketsaroundthecl indicatechar actercode 1 whichis a controlcode not theprintabledigit l You may wantto placeadditionalcommandsin this file such as left and rightmargins linespacingandbottommargincommands Oryoumaywant to createiavarietyof setupfileswith a differentset of commandsin each To avoidexcessline feeds youshouldplacethe commandson oneline in thesetupfile You...

Page 111: ...elite type give thefollowing two commands A COPY LQELITE DAT PRN A PRINTREADME DOC Forgreater convenience youcanmake abatch file that will setup the printer andprint anyspecified file witha single command To create suchabatch file withthename LQPRINT BAT type inthefirst four lines shown next Z meanstopress theCTRL andZ keyssimultaneously To usethis file to print READh41ZDOC type thefifth line A Cd...

Page 112: v LPRINT H SA Sanserif characters LPRINT H CO COurier characters LPRINT H PR Prestige characters LpRINT H SC Script characters LPRINT LPRINT RM Print pitches are LPRINT H PI Pica pitch 10 CPI LPRINT H E M U Elite pitch 12 CPI U LPRINT H E g Semi condensed pitch 15 CPI LPRINT H PI LPR NT CHR 15 Select condensed print LPRINT Condensed pica pitch 17 CPI LPRINT H E M Condensed elite pitch 20 CPI LP...

Page 113: ...lining E 0 E cHR 3 cHR oj CHR 1 CHR 2 CHR 2 Strike through E U CHR 3 CHR 0 CHR l CHR 2 CHR 0 E cHR 3 cHR 0 cHR 1 cHR 3 CHR l Over lining E CHR 3 CHR 0 CHR I CHR 3 CHR 0 H E SO SUPERSCRIPT E UTU and LPRINT E Siti StiBSCRIPT E T i LPRINT H RM Download characters SS E 6 GOSUB 2520 LPRINT E l FOR 1 1 TO 5 LPRINT CHR 60 NEXT I LPRINT E O LPRINT E TN GOSUB 2650 LPRINT E l FOR 1 1 TO 5 LPRINT CHR 60 NEXT...

Page 114: ... 80 1 47 19 0 31 2 0 0 7 0 15 192 40 16 0 8 0 80 o 80 92 47 80 O 80 63 0 80 163 192 47 80 92 32 80 0 80 47 0 23 0 0 8 0 0 0 23 47 192 32 0 40 0 80 92 33 0 80 92 40 0 7 0 o 0 75 64 75 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 0 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 80 175 63 192 33 64 80 0 80 175 15 192 40 0 0 0 Dot Ist DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA graphics data Line o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ...

Page 115: ...5 0 0 31 0 0 31 0 0 31 0 0 31 0 0 31 0 0 31 0 0 31 0 15 31 135 255 31 255 255 31 255 255 31 255 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 255 25S 0 255 255 0 31 255 0 0 31 0 0 7 0 0 o 0 0 0 224 0 0 252 0 0 3790 DATA 254 0 0 248 0 0 192 O 0 3800 DATA O 0 0 0 0 0 ...

Page 116: ...TA 15 255 248 4420 DATA 15 255 240 4430 DATA 15 254 0 63 255 0 31 254 0 15 254 0 15 252 0 15 240 0 15 240 0 15 224 0 15 192 0 15 128 o 15 o o 31 o 0 62 0 O 52 0 0 248 0 0 240 0 224 240 0 240 92 1 248 0 3 248 0 3 248 0 3 248 0 7 248 0 63 248 0 127 248 0 127 248 0 255 248 1 255 248 1 255 248 1 255 248 3 255 248 3 255 248 131 255 248 99 255 248 19 255 248 55 255 248 63 255 248 31 255 248 31 255 248 1...

Page 117: ...1470 a command tovarytheline spacing lines 1490and 1540 and a command tomicro adjust thespace between charactem lines 1500and 1550 Nexttheprogram returns tonormal spacing andgives ademonstration ofthe printer s word processing abilities italic printing boldprinting underlin ing subscripts etc Therowof telephonesymbolsin thenextprintedlineis createdby down loading two new characterpatterns which ar...

Page 118: ...mal proportional Roman characters Courier characters S c Elite pitch 12 CPI Condensed picapitch 17CPI Condensed prqxxtional D Do 1 w i e w D i z Q u i z e Various 1ine and character spacings Other features O S f W Emphasized Doubl e strike Ital i CS Under 1ining 9 We r 11n 1ng s UPERs cR1PT and s uBs c RI PT Download characters TsS SIPSt t t rs Dot graphics ...

Page 119: ...MEMO 110 ...

Page 120: ...fully TROUBLESHOOTING Yourprinteris a reliablepiece of precisionmachinery which shouldnot causeyouanytrouble providedthatitisusedandtreatedsensibly However if youdo experienceaminorproblem the fewtipsbelowshouldhelpyou avoidhavingtomakeanunnecessaryservicecall Thefollowingtablegives youideason whereto lookin this sectionif youexperienceproblems R e o f a D e s c P o s P n b s t p P T p d n p s p T...

Page 121: ...rprinterdoesnotprint or suddenlystopsprinting checkthe follow ing C P r t i c c C b e t c p a c n s m s t t c f p t i i i ON LINE button tosettheprinter m o t i i t p h r o L m p f t p b i T r l h m w t p p m i p M t r l t o p t p c i T o t p r t j r n t u a M s t t l e t p s a u t r c T t p r t r r i a a t p h r i p o m f w a w r y m n r t r t s y a u C t i s y s a r p i f y i n p C t p p s T t p...

Page 122: ... c y s f a n p h If your applicationsoftwarecannotprint the fontsor charactersselected checkthe following C P r y a s C t s i a t s p i w n A f n b s C t s i a i t c p m n f f c i t s A c o t E y a t w I C t e b S w E s s c p y h t w c s s e c o t I b g c a b p C t w E s t a s s If the printoutis not whatis expected C P r t p i c Y s m t t d a d r e t o a s C t E s t m s y h t r e t p n p U t H D ...

Page 123: ... s A y t f p Y c o f p t w w t p u t f p b o S t p o a t f p w t L I i l t p t t T a l t t p t c f t w T u t p A f j b C t s t p r w a c b p s a t d w a l a p Iffanfold continuous paperisnotbeingfedcorrectlyusingthetractorfeed checkthe following C P r t p r l M s t r l p p t p t p g t v W u t t f t p g s t p h A t h e s t t s t p a o a r t h w r t t t t h m u e o t t u A r t c M t t u m t p t t f ...

Page 124: ...eck the following P r H t A b s S t o l w t E s t r l s t T r l s s t s p p t A c M s t t A p s t p m p c n t S p r t j s m h p h r t A f t a c A t l a r g t l a r g a t c t t t c t p w n f s M t a l f a a t p f f t t m p t T A p f h a s c h p f h s e M s t t m p t s t e t h s W t p f b t n d p j m o R t b f i t A s p f t A a f b r i H t p b u a O n u p s u w t r c A A y t f p Y c o f p t w w t p ...

Page 125: ... h b p If text is beingprintedall on oneline or withextrablanklines checkthe following C I P r I t t a t s IC r a n b e l p C t E s a c t b p w T l f a b p M y s e b l p j a c r t n p s t A O w t E s Ifthepagelengthandmarginsarenotwhatisexpected checkthefollowing C P r t p s t U t M F f a t p p h t l t p r t p D t p p U t E s s t c p l I e p u s c i p l 116 ...

Page 126: ...not to bend or damage any cable connectionsor electroniccomponents REPLACING THE PRINT HEAD Thisisnotajobwhichyouwillneedtodoveryoften Theprintheadhasbeen designedto last for about200 milliondots In normaleverydayuse this translatestoyearsoflife However iftheprintqualityisfaint evenafteryou hav changedtheribbonoryouhaveadjustedthegapbetweentheprinthead andthe platen see Chapter1 the printheadmayne...

Page 127: ...ssthe cableof the newprintheadthroughthe tabs 8 Placethe new printheadon its support seatingit on the twopins 9 Fastenthe printheaddownwiththe two screws 10 Replacetheconnectorcoverslidingittotheleftuntilitlocksintoplace 11 Replacetheribboncartridgeandtopcover andplugthepowercordback in ...

Page 128: ...tional logic seeking selectable 24pins Life 200milliondots Linespacing ti titi l 6 1 8 n 60 n 72 n 180 n 216 n 360inches Characttis ASCII 96 International 16sets IBMspecial 111 IBMblock graphic 50 IBMcode page 6sets Download 255 USA France Germany England DenmarkI Sweden Italy SpainI Japan Norway DenmarkIL Spain II Latin America Korea Irish Legal 437 USA 850 Multi Lingual 860 Portuguese 861 Ice la...

Page 129: ...l 60 8 bitdouble 120 8 bithigh speeddouble 120 8 bitquadruple 240 8 bitCRTI I 80 8 bitCRTII 90 24 bitnormal 60 24 bitdouble 120 24 bitCRTIII 90 24 bitTriple 180 24 bithex 360 80 96 120 137 160 Variable LQ 24X 35 24X 29 16X23 24X 18 24X 15 16X23 24 x n 16x n 8 X 480 8 X 960 8 X 960 8 X 1920 8 X 640 8 X 720 24 X 480 24 X 960 24X 720 24X 1440 24X 2880 Itis impossibletoprintadjacentdotsinthemodemarked...

Page 130: ...lor Black magenta cyan violet yellow orange gnxm Ribbonlife Monochrome Z24 2millioncharacters draftpica Monochrome I 224 4 millioncharacters draftpica Color X24CL 1millionchamcters draftpica Dimensions 463 w X 356 d X 156 h mm 18 2 w X 14 O d X 6 l h in Weight 6 6kg 14 61b Power supply 120VAC 220VAC 240VAC 50 60Hz variesaccordingto the countryof pur chase Options Automatic sheet fder SF 1ODQ Seria...

Page 131: ...activeare overlined 1 P N F 1 S G f h l w a 2 D H w a 3 D H w a 4 D H w a 5 D H w a 6 D H w a 7 D H w a 8 D H w a 9 D H w a A 5 l p u a c k r e o d 1 B U L w p r r t r e d 1 P H w p o C d w E s S H w p o 1 N S G S g C C g f s g 5V 5V o f p 1 G T p g r R W t i s l p r E O l w p c c d e E G E g 3 N S A h 1 ...

Page 132: ...ghtof the character Thehexadecimalcodecanbe foundbyreadingtheentriesatthetopandleft edgesof thetable For example the character A is in column4 androw 1 so itshexadecimalcharactercodeis 41 Thisis equivalent 4x 16 1 65 to decimal65 the numberin the inset Controlcodes recognizedby this printer are indicatedby abbreviations insidepointedbrackets Sample r L 123 ...

Page 133: ...4 b b IX k b l 1 l m 5 E u e u 5 b IYl I 17 E l E b l m SYN 6 F v f v 6 I b IY2 b 1 b 1 k l m 6ED 7 G w g w 7 b E l m E F k k l m ss CAN 8 8 H x h x l i I Z k IZ b 1 b ml 9 9 I i y F I I l h E b l I J z j z I I IZ b b b b l m c K k L 7 3 9 S 1 b I 3 J L 1 E 8 4 O b 2 b 8 F 4 M 1 m 1 I I 9 S 1 F7 3 b 9 E 5 IKILU N n E O b 2 a 4 r0 I b P 10 B 1 c FF rm 1 D t l o F I I h 1 b 1 I l 124 ...

Page 134: ... L b I R l m E F 5 5 E U e U k SYN L 6 6 F v f v l ii l iii l m IiiI I E Imi l ii b I 7 7 G w g w k k hi l iii Ii19 l m 1 iii k 8 a H x h x I k l l I b I 9 9 I y i Y b b A J z j z l iii I F h I iiI E k hi B K k b I h I I b b l c L 1 F D M 1 m 1 l iii hi IiT3 I iF Iii Iii l iii k s0 E N A n Iii l ii I R Iii IR E hi F 0 0 IiT3 l ii Ii I iI I x7 l ii b l R ...

Page 135: ...STANDARD CHARACTER SET 2 Othercharactersare identicalto standardcharacterset l 126 ...

Page 136: ...z 0 6 u a d 6 i SPAIN 1 x z i N L n JAPAN x z N H S x z II 0 A u 6 a l i u DENMARK 2 A x z 4 0 u t Q A u S 2 A x z i N L 6 i f 6 a LATIN AMERICA X z i N 6 u i fi 6 fi K x z w A i I 0 1 A A k 6 L s x z 0 l Q t The commandfor selectingthe internationalcharactersetsis ESC R n W h n m e charactercoden i e CHR n in BASIC I he valuesof n are O U S A 5 Sweden 10 DenmarkII 1 France 6 Italy 11 SpainII 2 Ge...

Page 137: ...IBM CHARACTER SET 2 CodePage 437 U S A I I I I I I I I i 1 B o 1 0 Nlk D1 E o lb 1 ax 1 17 l DC2 2 I ...

Page 138: ...129 ...

Page 139: ...130 ...

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Page 141: ...odePage 861 celandic Othercharctersareidenticalto CodePage 437 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 8 I 9 I A I B I D I E I F I P 0 D l I l I A E lr F m l m E A f 1 F 7 l l I I k L h it J _ I l 2 229 245 P 230 246 132 ...

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Page 143: ...CodePage 865 Nordic Othercharctersare identicalto CodePage 437 134 ...

Page 144: ... 8 9 NIL o l l 1 F m 2 OC2 I E hi 3 0t3 l ii Oc4 4 l ii l iii 5 l ix l m 6 S fN Iii I iii 7 W h ITi 8 I 9 L I A F m B I c I l D l E F F F F F Othercharactersare identicalto characterset 2 The duplicationof controlcodesenablessystemswith a 7 bitintel obtaincontrol functionswhen the most significantbit is set to 1 ESC commandin the standardmode faceto by the 135 ...

Page 145: ...IBM SPECIAL CHARACTER SET Additionalcharacterscan be printedby specialcommands o 1 0 1 I Y I F e 2 t I l v 3 E b 4 1 b l 4 5 5 l l 6 4 l l 1 7 8 n t l b 1 9 A E b b B C L l c L l l D E J A l ii F 136 ...

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Page 147: ...1 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 I 371 371 371 371 371 371 37 1 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 I 401 401 401 401 40 401 40 I 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 461 461 46 461 461 46 46 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 491 491 491 491 491 491 49 Proportional width h Normal Super Sub IBM ...

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