McMullen | Winkler,
Waves Records
setup, p.1
I. Setting up the Stanton STR8-30 turntable
Unpack the turntable (Stanton STR8-30) and assemble
Put the slip mat [3] on the turntable (black side facing up, logo facing down – so it
can’t be seen)
Connect the RCA audio cable with ground cable to the record player and plug in
the power cord
(ATTENTION: the record player can be switched between 120VAC
and 240VAC – it is already set to 240VAC).
The setting of the power can be
switched back to 120VAC under the slip mat [3].
You might need to adjust the stylus pressure (it was adjusted in the USA but might
have shifted during transportation):
Remove the stylus protector, do not touch the stylus tip during the adjustment.
Release the arm clamp and lift the tonearm from the arm rest to free it.
Rotate the counterweight until the tonearm is approximately balanced