External GPS Antenna
The SCU-31 is 66 channel GPS Antenna supplied with 49 feet (15 m) of cable that plugs into your com-
patible Standard Horizon VHF radio to enable AIS and DSC. The GPS antenna delivers accuracy better
than three meters by
decoding the GPS correction signals from the SBAS (Satellite Based Augmenta-
tion System). Please refer to the STANDARD HORIZON products catalog or web site for compatibility.
Owner’s Manual
The details of the installation and operation of the
are included in the owner’s manual of
the compatible fixed mount radio, or can be downloaded at
Supplied Accessories
GPS Antenna Unit (49 feet (15 m) cable) .............................................................................................. 1
Antenna Base (Socket, Part number: RA6054200)
.............................................................................. 1
Screws (M3X8 SUS, Part number: U20308020)
.................................................................................. 3
The SCU-31 is designed to be mounted on a base, in
stalled on an extension pole or flush mounted.
Choose a location for the antenna that has a clear view
of the sky and is not located within 3 feet of radar or other
transmitting antenna. Ensure there are no major obstruc-
tions or fixtures in the immediate proximity to the anten
na. The antenna relies on direct "line of sight" satellite
reception. If you are unsure of the location, temporarily
mount the antenna to verify correct operation. If mounted
close to a radar, turn on the radar and check the GPS
signal strength using the GPS Status Page on the VHF.
Base Mounting the antenna
The thread used on the base of antenna (1 inch, 14 TPI)
is an industry standard used on a wide range of commer-
cially available mounting brackets or extension poles. Due
to the manufacturing process of the mounting brackets,
the antenna may not tighten all the way down onto all the
threads. This is of no concern however as the antenna
must be tightened until the antenna stops rotating.
1. When passing the antenna cable through a mounting
bracket or extension pole, make sure to pass the ca
ble through the antenna base.
When routing the antenna cable along the outside of the extension pole, pass the cable through
the groove as shown by the dotted lines in the figure on the right. (Please cut the blank panel with
a long-nose pliers.)
The antenna cable can be cut and spliced to ease installation. Care must be taken when reconnecting
the antenna cable to protect from water and corrosion.
2. Mount the antenna base to the antenna using the supplied three screws.
3. Screw the antenna base to the mounting bracket or extension pole.
4. Install the mounting bracket or extension pole in a location that has a clear view of the sky.
Flush Mounting the antenna
Before drilling the mounting holes, it is rec
ommended to test the GPS antenna satel-
lite signal strength in the desired location.
1. To ease installation use the supplied flush
mount template.
2. Apply the flush mounting template sticker.
3. Drill the 0.78” (20 mm) and 0.13” (3.2 mm)
holes, and remove the template.
4. Insert the cable into the 0.78” (20 mm) hole
and route to the transceiver.
5. Apply a small amount or RTV to the under-
side of the antenna.
6. Place the antenna and screw into place using
the supplied screws.
Use this template to mark the
location where the hole for
the flush mount is to be cut.
cut here
cut here
TEMPLATE for the SCU-31
Antenna Base
Antenna Cable
GPS Antenna
3.2 mm [0.13
20 mm [0.78
inch] or greater
3.2 mm [0.13
3.2 mm [0.13
Safety Precautions (Be Sure to Read)
Be sure to read the safety precautions of Owner’s Manual to use this product safely.