11Beamage-3 User
’s Manual Revision 4.0
Standa Ltd. All rights reserved
: Overall beam positional stability
: Beam positional stability in the azimuth direction.
: Beam positional stability perpendicularly to the azimuth.
: RMS standard deviation value
of the centroid’s position (not ISO measure)
The beam positional stability values are based on the standard deviation concept
. Small values
represent small deviations and a good stability.
Please refer to ANNEXE A (p.58) for ISO mathematical definitions of the quantities listed above.
6.4.1. Beam Tracking Display: Controls
The toolbar buttons on the upper right corner control the beam tracking plot.
Saves all the centroid coordinates available in the buffer in a .TXT file.
Print Screen:
Saves a .bmp image of the current beam tracking display.
Reset Buffer:
Erases all the data from the buffer and clears the chart.
Activates the zoom. Zooming can be done by selecting an area with the left mouse button
and de-zooming can be done by double-clicking the image.
Set Origin Point:
Sets the origin point (0, 0) of the sensor for the relative positioning, Please refer
to section
International Organization for Standardization,
ISO 11670:2003 Laser and laser-related equipment
Test methods for laser beam parameters
– Beam positional Stability, Geneva