July 2013
DocID16139 Rev 5
Application note
Getting started with STM8L and STM8AL
This application note complements the information in the STM8L and STM8AL datasheets
by describing the minimum hardware and software environment required to build an
application around an STM8L or STM8AL 8-bit microcontroller device.
A brief description of the principal hardware components is given. The power supply,
analog-to-digital converter (ADC), clock management, and reset control are described in
some detail. In addition, some hardware recommendations are given. This application note
also contains detailed reference design schematics with descriptions of the main
components. The STM8 development tools and software toolchain are common to STM8L,
STM8S, STM8AL, and STM8AF and are presented in
describes how to set up the STM8 development environment. Finally,
provides a
list of relevant documentation and online support resources.
Table 1. Applicable products
Product family
Part numbers
– STM8L051/52
– STM8L101
– STM8L151C2/K2/G2/F2 and STM8L151C3/K3/G3/F3
– STM8L151x4, STM8L151x6, STM8L152x4, STM8L152x6
– STM8L151x8, STM8L152x8, STM8L151R6, STM8L152R6, STM8L162R8,
– STM8AL313x, STM8AL314x, STM8AL316x, STM8AL3L4x, STM8AL3L6x