Embedded Flash memory (FLASH)
DocID024597 Rev 5
Error code correction (ECC)
Data in Flash memory are 72-bits words: 8 bits are added per double word (64 bits). The
ECC mechanism supports:
One error detection and correction
Two errors detection
When one error is detected and corrected, the flag ECCC (ECC correction) is set in
. If ECCCIE is set, an interrupt is generated.
When two errors are detected, a flag ECCD (ECC detection) is set in FLASH_ECCR
register. In this case, a NMI is generated.
When an ECC error is detected, the address of the failing double word and its associated
bank are saved in ADDR_ECC[20:0] and BK_ECC
in the FLASH_ECCR register.
ADDR_ECC[2:0] are always cleared.
Table 10. Flash module - 256 KB dual bank organization
Flash area
Flash memory addresses
Main memory
Bank 1
0x0800 0000 - 0x0800 07FF
2 K
Page 0
0x0800 0800 - 0x0800 0FFF
2 K
Page 1
0x0800 1000 - 0x0800 17FF
2 K
Page 2
0x0800 1800 - 0x0800 1FFF
2 K
Page 3
0x0801 F800 - 0x0801 FFFF
2 K
Page 63
Bank 2
0x0802 0000 - 0x0802 07FF
2 K
Page 256
0x0802 0800 - 0x0802 0FFF
2 K
Page 257
0x0802 1000 - 0x0802 17FF
2 K
Page 258
0x0802 1800 - 0x0802 1FFF
2 K
Page 259
0x0803 F800 - 0x0803 FFFF
2 K
Page 319
Information block
Bank 1
0x1FFF 0000 - 0x1FFF 6FFF
28 K
System memory
Bank 2
0x1FFF 8000 - 0x1FFF EFFF
28 K
Bank 1
0x1FFF 7000 - 0x1FFF 73FF
1 K
OTP area
Bank 1
0x1FFF 7800 - 0x1FFF 780F
Option bytes
Bank 2
0x1FFF F800 - 0x1FFF F80F
1. For 256 KB devices, option DUALBANK=1