DocID024597 Rev 5
Peripherals interconnect matrix
Timer break is described in:
Section 30.3.16: Using the break function
Section 32.4.13: Using the break function
Triggering signals
The output (from DFSDM1) is on signals dfsdm1_break[0:3] directly connected to timer and
‘Ored’ with other break input signals of the timer.
Active power mode
Run, Sleep, Low-power run, Low-power sleep.
From HSE, LSE, LSI, MSI, MCO, RTC to timer
External clocks (HSE, LSE), internal clocks (LSI, MSI), microcontroller output clock (MCO),
GPIO and RTC wakeup interrupt can be used as input to general-purpose timer
(TIM15/16/17) channel 1.
This allows to calibrate the HSI16/MSI system clocks (with TIM15/TIM16 and LSE) or LSI
(with TIM16 and HSE). This is also used to precisely measure LSI (with TIM16 and HSI16)
or MSI (with TIM17 and HSI16) oscillator frequency.
When Low Speed External (LSE) oscillator is used, no additional hardware connections are
This feature is described in
Section 6.2.18: Internal/external clock measurement with
External clock LSE can be used as input to general-purpose timers (TIM2) on TIM2_ETR
pin, see
Section 31.4.19: TIM2 option register 1 (TIM2_OR1)
Active power mode
Run, Sleep, Low-power run, Low-power sleep.
10.3.8 From
COMP1, COMP2 to low-power timer (LPTIM1/LPTIM2)
RTC alarm A/B, RTC_TAMP1/2/3 input detection, COMP1/2_OUT can be used as trigger to
start LPTIM counters (LPTIM1/2).
Triggering signals
This trigger feature is described in
Section 34.4.5: Trigger multiplexer
(and following
The input selection is described in
Table 205: LPTIM external trigger connection
Active power mode
Run, Sleep, Low-power run, Low-power sleep, Stop 0, Stop 1, Stop 2 (LPTIM1 only).