Safety and operating instructions
Doc ID 17386 Rev 1
switches. The heatsink on the right-hand side allocates the output fast power diodes. In the
bottom end of the image, the control board, fitted by a strip connector, is visible. An external
potentiometer is present to set the welding current according to the metal pieces to be
welded. On the control board two small trimmers are present. Read the circuital description
carefully for information about the function and how to trim them. A trimmer is
present on the power board near the output inductor. Read the circuital description in
carefully for information about the function and how to trim it.
The STEVAL-ISW001V1 has no insulation shield or any other
type of protection case. The demonstration board must be
handled very carefully, as high potential (energy) parts are
exposed and may be touched. The user MUST avoid
connecting or removing cables during operation of the board,
or touching any part of the system when it is connected to
the main power supply.
After turning the power supply off, if the load is disconnected, the DC-link capacitor may still
hold a voltage.
It is preferable to test the kit in an ambient temperature not higher than 45 °C.
Environmental and equipment considerations
Read the recommendations in
carefully for environmental considerations.
Also, in the case of testing on a resistive dissipative dummy load, the STEVAL-ISW001V1
must only be used in a power laboratory equipped with a ventilation system or smoke
extractor fan system. The high voltage involved in the system presents a serious danger of
shock. If your purposes consist in measurement or waveform acquisition, or any other
interaction between the board and laboratory equipment, an AC insulated power supply
must be used.
Any measurement equipment must be isolated from the main power supply before powering
up the system. If using an oscilloscope with the kit, it is safer to isolate the AC supply AND
the oscilloscope, or use insulated differential probes. This prevents shock occurring as a
result of touching any SINGLE point in the circuit but does NOT prevent shock when
touching TWO or MORE points in the circuit.
An isolated AC power supply can be constructed using an isolation transformer and a
variable transformer (isolating the application rather than the oscilloscope is highly
recommended in any case).
2.5 kW/135 A welding machine board connection
The welding machine demonstration board comes ready-to-use and is made up of two
boards. A power board and a control board. The control board is a small daughter board
connected to the power board trough a strip-line connector. A small insulated auxiliary
power supply based on the VIPer16L is allocated to the power board. The auxiliary power
supply is used to generate all the low voltage supplies needed by the control board and the
gate driving section on the power board. In particular a +5 V, +15 V, and an ins15 V