STEVAL-ILL009V1 reference board
Figure 11.
Components position on the STEVAL-ILL009V1
8.2 Getting
Getting started chapter briefly describes how to use the STEVAL-ILL009V1 as a step by
step guide in order to quickly start with the evaluation.
Connect LED board to the STEVAL-ILL009V1 reference board using the 30-pin load
connector2. STEVAL-ILL009V3 or STEVAL-ILL009V4 is LED boards.
Connect the supply voltage between 8 to 30 V on the board using J1 connector. The
power capability of the adapter must be higher then 14 W in order to have enough
energy for the application.
The maximum channel current is set to 350 mA and so the LEDs and driver power
consumption is P
= 4V x 0.35 mA x 8 = 11.2 W. The efficiency of the DC/DC converter
is approximately 80 % (P
= 13.44 W). Considering the microcontroller and LED drivers
themselves must be also supplied (consumption is less than 0.5 W) the total consumption is
~14 W and therefore the power capability of the adapter must be higher then 14 W in order
to have enough energy for the application.
If the application is supplied, the green LED (D8) is lighted ON. It shows that there is
a supply voltage for the micro and the drivers. Also LED D5 is turned ON at the start-up
as the Automatic Color Control mode is set. Color automatically changes from blue to
green, green to red and red to blue. During this mode, the brightness of all LEDs can be
changed by potentiometer P2, but the function of the potentiometer P1 is disabled in
this mode.
Press the button (S2) to change the mode. The next mode is White Color Control
mode. LED D7 is turned ON. The brightness of all LEDs can be changed by
potentiometer P2 and the function of the potentiometer P1 is disabled in this mode.
Press the button (S2) to set the next mode. It is Red Color Control mode. In this mode
the brightness for the Red LED can be changed by potentiometer P1. There are 64
levels of brightness implemented. LED D1 is turned ON and the potentiometer P2 has
the same function as in point 4 - changing the brightness of all LEDs.
Press the button (S2) to set brightness for the Green LED. In this mode the brightness
for the Green LED can be changed by potentiometer P1. LED D2 is turned ON. The
potentiometer P2 has again the same function - changing the brightness of all LEDs.