Behavior of LEDS and buzzer
10. In order to see the previously stored graphs, click on the folder icon in the toolbar and
open the .tsg file to view.
11. If the user wants the graph to be plotted as soon as the data logging is stopped, then
the checkbox "Receive Data After Logging" should be checked before starting the data
logging (that is, before clicking the PLAY button)
12. Checking the "Overwrite NAND Flash" overwrites the data in NAND Flash in the event
that all 100 KB is used, in which case the user loses the previously stored data.
Figure 18.
Plotter window with NAND mode
Behavior of LEDS and buzzer
There are a totalof five LEDs present on the board.
Two power status LEDs
Three application status LEDs
Power status LEDs
When the USB power is plugged in, the red power LED (USB) lights up.
When external power is plugged in, the green power LED (EXT) lights up.
This power LED is independent of the power switch position and only demonstrates which
power supply is plugged in.