Lower Leg Assembly
L o w e r L e g A s s e m b l y
5 0 / 2 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
L o w e r L e g I n s t a l l a t i o n
Clean the upper tubes.
Clean the upper tubes.
Apply grease to the inner surfaces of the wiper seals.
Apply grease to the inner surfaces of the wiper seals.
Wiper seals may already be greased from the factory.
Wiper seals may already be greased from the factory.
Do not apply extra grease to seals that already have
Do not apply extra grease to seals that already have
grease on them.
grease on them.
Install the jounce bottom out bumper and bottom cup on the air spring
Install the jounce bottom out bumper and bottom cup on the air spring
shaft, if necessary.
shaft, if necessary.
RockShox Dynamic Seal Grease