Damper Service
2 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
D a m p e r S e r v i c e
Clamp the Charger Damper RL cartridge tube into a vise with Charger
Clamp the Charger Damper RL cartridge tube into a vise with Charger
vise blocks.
vise blocks.
Unthread the top cap from the cartridge.
Unthread the top cap from the cartridge.
The cartridge tube and vise block must be dry and free of oil to
provide enough grip to unthread the top cap. If the cartridge tube
slips, clean and dry the tube and vise blocks.
Carefully remove the compression damper.
Carefully remove the compression damper.
Remove the cartridge tube and rebound damper assembly from the
Remove the cartridge tube and rebound damper assembly from the
vise and pour the oil into an oil pan.
vise and pour the oil into an oil pan.
Clean the exterior of the cartridge tube.
Clean the exterior of the cartridge tube.
Vise with Charger Vise Blocks
RL: Top Cap/Cassette Tool
RL R: 24 mm