Charger 2 Damper Installation - Remote
2 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
C h a r g e r 2 D a m p e r I n s t a l l a t i o n - R e m o t e
Install and tighten the Charger 2 Damper into the upper tube.
Install and tighten the Charger 2 Damper into the upper tube.
Some damper top caps have a groove around the hex adjuster.
Some damper top caps have a groove around the hex adjuster.
Damper top caps with a groove must be used with a spool that also
Damper top caps with a groove must be used with a spool that also
has a groove.
has a groove.
Proceed to the next step if your top cap and spool have a groove.
Proceed to the next step if your top cap and spool have a groove.
Proceed to
Proceed to Step 4 i
Step 4 if your top cap and spool do not have a groove.
f your top cap and spool do not have a groove.
24 mm
28 N.m (250 in-lb)
Top Cap without Groove
Spool without Groove
Top Cap with Groove
Spool with Groove