Bleed Procedure
2 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
B l e e d P r o c e d u r e
Pour Maxima PLUSH suspension oil into the cartridge tube until it is
Pour Maxima PLUSH suspension oil into the cartridge tube until it is
Squeeze the bladder until trapped bubbles stop purging. Pour
Squeeze the bladder until trapped bubbles stop purging. Pour
additional oil into the cartridge tube until full.
additional oil into the cartridge tube until full.
RL3 / RLC3 - 7wt
RL3 / RLC3 - 7wt
RL / RL R - 3wt
RL / RL R - 3wt
Remove the bleed screw from the rebound damper seal head.
Remove the bleed screw from the rebound damper seal head.
Insert the rebound adjuster knob into the rebound damper shaft until it
Insert the rebound adjuster knob into the rebound damper shaft until it
contacts the rebound adjuster screw. Rotate the knob
contacts the rebound adjuster screw. Rotate the knob
counter-clockwise until it stops to open the rebound.
counter-clockwise until it stops to open the rebound.
Remove the rebound adjuster knob from the shaft.
Remove the rebound adjuster knob from the shaft.
Wrap a shop towel around the cartridge tube to absorb oil.
Wrap a shop towel around the cartridge tube to absorb oil.
Install the rebound assembly into the cartridge tube.
Install the rebound assembly into the cartridge tube.
Clamp the assembly into a vise. Tighten the rebound seal head.
Clamp the assembly into a vise. Tighten the rebound seal head.
3wt or 7wt
2.5 mm or Rebound Adjuster Knob
19 mm
9 N·m (80 in-lb)