Installation and Operation
Waukesha Cherry-Burrell
Page 8
April 2008
Installation and Operation
Routing for Compressed Air, Vent and Wiring
Compressed air is routed through the base from Air-In
(item B) to a V-groove air-plenum (item A) in the inside
diameter (item F). Supply channels from the plenum feed
each of three (3) threaded solenoid mounts (item S) on top.
An energized solenoid passes air to the adjacent, non-
threaded outlet hole, feeding the corresponding side (item
H) and underside (item I) air ports.
For air routing to the top of an actuator, for example, W60
Air-to-Lower, the side port is plugged, and the underside
port uses a vent plug and o-ring to connect to the air
connection on top of the actuator.
For air routed to the side of the actuator, for example W60
Air-to-Raise or the actuator sidewall for W70, the
underside port is plugged and the side port is open.
For unused solenoid ports, both the side and underside
ports are plugged, and the top threaded mount is plugged.
Vent air from the top of the actuator is routed through the
control module base via underside port no. 8. A venting
plug and o-ring are used to connect the actuator port to
port no. 8. Vent air passes through the module to the side
vent plug (item D) in the base.
Wiring is routed inside the control module from the side
port (item H) to the joined top port. A cable strain relief or
optional pin-connector is used on the side port.
Installation of the top is secured using three (3) setscrews
(item C) in the side of the base.
Figure 2: Base Underside View
Figure 3: Base Top View
A. V-Groove Plenum with
air supply channels
B. Air-In
C. Setscrew
D. Vent
E. Wire
F. Inside Diameter
G. Top
H. Side
I. Underside
J. O-Ring
S. Solenoid Mount
A. V-Groove Air Plenum
B. Air-In
C. Setscrew
D. Vent
E. Wire
F. Inside Diameter View
G. Top View
H. Side View
I. Underside View
S. Solenoid Mount
Figure 4: Routing for Compressed Air, Vent and Wiring