SPX Radiodetection 6100-Gfast User Manual Download Page 1



G.fast / VDSL / ADSL2+ Multi-play and Copper Test Set


User guide

Radiodetection’s 6100-Gfast is the perfect tool for testing G.fast, VDSL2, and ADSL2+ 

broadband deployments up to 1 Gbit/s. The unit supports both GVXAA and GVXAB 

modems and can be used to install, troubleshoot and validate in-home multi-play 

services. Please see the 6100-Cu User Guide (document 90/UG-6100-CU-ENG/01) 

for information regarding Copper Tests.

Cable connections

DSL main menu

To access the Copper Main Menu:

1.  From Home, select DSL / IP Tests and press


open the DSL Main menu page.

2.  Navigate to each icon using the up / down left / right 

arrow keys on the keypad.

3.  Press 

 to bring up the sub-menu of the selected 




Auto, Manual Test


Ethernet Test

, the test 

will start and the screen control will navigate to the 

results summary page.

•  Result Manager

 opens the previously saved test 

files to view, 

Upload, Export





Test Configuration

 provides the utilities to setup 

test parameters.


Setup provides

 the means to configure the modem 

power schemes and preset the unit with specific DSL 

measurement values.

Note: System Settings

 can be found on the Home pane and allow you to set the 

parameters of the unit. 


Any reference to pushing buttons on the keypad can be replaced in most cases by 

clicking / tapping  the  touchscreen.

This guide is intended as a quick reference guide only. For detailed instructions, including 

the use of accessories, please refer to the 6100-Gfast Operation manual, which is available 

to download from 



Saving test results

Each DSL/IP test includes an 

Upload / Save Result

 tab to 

Upload & Save 

your test results using the existing in-band 

DSL or Ethernet connection made during the test; or you 



 your results to an internal memory file; or 



results to an HTML, MHTML, or XML report using a USB key.

To save, upload, or export results:

1.  Using the up/down arrow keys, select the parameters you 

want to edit and use the on-screen keyboard.


Select Result File

 to save your results to an existing 




Upload & Save

 your results via the following:


the existing in-band DSL or Ethernet connection made 

during the test


an out-band upload connection (Wi-Fi or Ethernet) if 

enabled and the test is stopped


3.  Select 




 buttons and press 


to confirm 

your selection.

Managing saved test results

From the 

DSL Main

 pane, select 

Result Manager

 to do one 

of the following:

•  Result tab

 allows you to select a 

File Name

 and view 

the results from a list of files previously saved.

•  Upload tab

 allows you to upload the saved results to an 

FTP site or a USB. Here, you can also 



XML files from the internal memory.

•  Export

 tab allows you to select a 

File Name




previously saved and export the results in the following 

Report Format: HTML, MHTML




•  Delete

 tab allows you to delete a selected File Name or 

All files saved in the 6100 internal memory only.




Home and Help key 

A quick press and release acts as Home. 
Holding for 2 or more seconds activates 
the onboard help or screenshot capture

Start / Stop  test

To access and modify on screen parameters:

Use the arrow keys to select an on-screen item then 


To activate function buttons:

Press the key below the desired Function 

Arrow keys


 Any reference to pushing buttons on the keypad can be replaced in most cases by 

clicking / tapping  the  touchscreen.

Charging the battery

Plug in the power adaptor (9 V, 1.66 A) and wait up to 6-8 hours to completely charge the 

battery or until the Battery Status displays 100 %.

To view the battery status:

1.  From the 


 pane, select 

System Settings

 and press



2.  Select the 

Battery Info

 icon and press


Battery Status

 indicates the current power 

level for the battery, as a percentage.

Copyright © 2020 Radiodetection Ltd. All rights reserved. Radiodetection is a subsidiary of SPX Corporation. 

Radiodetection and 6100 are trademarks of Radiodetection Ltd. Due to a policy of continued development, we 

reserve the right to alter or amend any published specification without notice. This document may not be copied, 

reproduced, transmitted, modified or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Radiodetection Ltd.




Radiodetection Ltd. (UK)

Western Drive, Bristol, BS14 0AF, UK  Tel: +44 (0) 117 976 7776  [email protected]

Radiodetection (USA)

28 Tower Road, Raymond, Maine 04071, USA  
Toll Free: +1 (877) 247 3797  Tel: +1 (207) 655 8525  [email protected]

Follow us on:

Ethernet / 1GigE  LAN  port




Secondary Tip/A and Ring/B connectors 

for DSL and 4-wire copper testing

Ethernet / 1GigE  WAN  port

DSL port

Primary Tip/A and Ring/B connectors for 

DSL and copper testing

Working with the keypad
