flexitrax™ flexiprobe™ Operation Manual
7 Projects and Surveys
Observation photos:
Still images captured from a survey video are saved as JPEG files. Exported files
are prefixed with the survey name and numbered sequentially with a date format.
Target folder:
Surveys exported to USB and Dropbox are stored inside their corresponding user assigned
project folder. For an example, see
section 7.4.12
Note: You can export survey videos and observation photos to USB or Dropbox. You cannot export
them as email attachments.
Export options
If exporting a survey to USB or Dropbox, you can choose any combination of export options.
If exporting a survey to email, you can only export the Microsoft Word survey report. You cannot export
survey data & images or survey videos as email attachments.
Survey data & images:
Includes the survey report in XML format (
), plus any
observation photos. Note that photos are exported as JPEG images and are prefixed with the survey name
and automatically appended with a sequential date format (E.g.
Survey report:
Includes the survey report in Microsoft Word format (
Includes the survey videos saved as MP4 files prefixed with the survey name and automatically
appended with a unique number (E.g.