JL/X130 - 1680
The cowl is fixed on top of the enclosure to prevent pollutants from dropping into the exhaust outlet of the
drive. The cowl is supplied with 6 off 50mm mounting pillars, and 6 M6 holes must be drilled in the roof of
the enclosure, to allow the mounting pillars to be fixed such that the cowl is positioned centrally over the
duct. The cowl will overhang the duct by 70mm all the way round. If there is a danger of birds or vermin
entering the exhaust port then it is recommend that a suitable grille is added round the edge of the cowl
6.4 Air supply to enclosure
It is essential that the enclosure which houses the JL/X is supplied with sufficient cool clean air to satisfy the
throughput requirements of the JL/X and any other devices within the enclosure. Do not forget that the
current carrying components associated with the drive will be dissipating a considerable amount of heat
especially when the system is running at full capacity.
The enclosure must be fitted with air filters suitable for the airbourne pollutants encountered within its
environment. Together they must have a rated throughput of sufficient capacity for all of the exhaust fans
used in the enclosure. If the JL/X is fitted with a venting kit and there is another exhaust fan also operating
for cooling other components it is essential that the auxiliary fan does not starve the JL/X of its air supply.
This should be avoided if the input filters have sufficient capacity. It is recommended that the JL/X is
provided with its own filters, and an enclosure partition used to isolate it from the influence of the rest of the
enclosure cooling arrangements.
There should be 2 filters for the JL/X. One to provide air to the lower input port, and one for the upper port.
The inlet filters should be fitted to the enclosure adjacent to the input ports at the lower and upper ends of
the unit to ensure that the air drawn in is close to where it is needed. The reason for using filters at the top
and bottom of the unit is because if only one filter is provided, then when the enclosure door is shut, the
airpath from top to bottom may become throttled if the door is close to the face of the unit.
6.5 Exhaust air
After leaving the enclosure containing the JL/X the heated exhaust air will need to be prevented from
elevating the ambient temperature of the room that is housing the enclosure by using sufficient ventilation.
Alternatively the supply of cooling air may be obtained from outside and ducted to the enclosure.
6.6 Venting summary
Ensure a clean un-interruptible supply of cool filtered air is available for the JL/X and that the exhaust air is
adequately and safely disposed of. Use the venting kit to keep the hot exhaust air separate from the cooling
input air within the enclosure. Ensure the cooling air is available at the top and bottom of the unit. The JL/X
will survive running at high ambient temperatures but possibly at the expense of its potential lifespan.
Observe good engineering practice and keep all the components within the enclosure as cool as possible,
consistent with avoiding condensation. For installations subjected to high ambient temperatures consider the
use of air conditioning to achieve these requirements.
Hole in enclosure roof
100mm x 504mm