background image


 Stand and position 

one foot in front of body on 
top of pad and opposite foot 
behind body hip-width apart 
with heel off floor. Bend legs 
with upper body upright and 
arms extended along sides 
of body. 


 Straighten front leg 

and bring back leg knee up 
and forward in front of hip 
with upper leg parallel to floor. 
Return to start and repeat.

F R O N T   L U N G E   K N E E   L I F T


 Stand and position 

one foot away from side 
of body on top of pad and 
straighten leg. Position 
opposite foot slightly outside 
of hip-width and bend leg, 
hinge slightly forward at the 
hips with arms bent along 
sides of body.   


 Straighten and push 

off bent leg then bring knee 
up and forward in front of 
hip with upper leg parallel to 
floor. Return to start   
and repeat.

S I D E   L U N G E   K N E E   L I F T


 Stand and position 

one foot on top of pad and 
straighten leg with body 
upright and arms straight 
along sides of body. Bend 
opposite leg, lift foot off floor 
and balance.   


 Bend balance leg 

while hinging forward at the 
hips and reach down and 
forward with arm opposite 
that of balance leg. Return   
to start and repeat.

S I N G L E   L E G   S Q U AT   A N D   R E A C H




• Warm up for 3-5 minutes before each session.
•  Complete 1–3 sets of 8–12 repetitions of each exercise 


•  Rest approximately 30–60 seconds between each 

exercise set.

•  Perform each exercise in a controlled manner, through   

a full range of motion.

•  When applicable, perform an equal number of exercise 

repetitions with each arm/leg to avoid the development 
of muscle imbalances.

•  If unable to complete 8 exercise repetitions through a 

full range of motion, increase rest time between exercise 
sets or decrease repetitions. 

•  If unable to achieve moderate to maximal muscular 

fatigue following the completion of 12 exercise 
repetitions through a full range of motion, decrease rest 
time between exercise sets or increase repetitions.

•  Perform each exercise a minimum of 3 times per week 

for maximum results.

•  Allow 24–48 hours of complete rest between each 

exercise session.

E X E R C I S E   G U I D E

w w w. s p r i . c o m
