SPRI Agility Dots Exercise Manual Download Page 1

Stand on one foot on dot at end of line 
and balance, hop forward, switch legs 
and land softly on ball of opposite foot. 
Immediately hop forward alternating 
feet from dot to dot in a continuous 
manner. Upon completion of activity 
pattern, turn around at end of line and 
repeat in opposite direction.

S I N G L E   L I N E

Stand with one foot on each dot at 
end of line and begin running in place 
on balls of feet. Hop forward and 
land in an alternating foot pattern on 
dots in front while continuing to run 
in place on balls of feet. Repeat and 
hop forward onto the last set of dots 
while continuing to run in place. Upon 
completion of activity pattern, turn 
around at end of line and repeat in 
opposite direction. 

D O U B L E   L I N E


• Warm up for 3-5 minutes before each session.
•  Complete 1–3 sets of 8–12 activity patterns of each exercise selected.
•  Rest approximately 30–60 seconds between each exercise set.
•  Perform each exercise in a controlled manner, through a full range of motion.
•  If unable to complete 8 activity patterns, increase rest time or decrease number of activity patterns. 
•  If unable to achieve moderate to maximal fatigue following the completion of 12 activity patterns, decrease rest time or 

increase number of activity patterns.

•  Perform each exercise a minimum of 3 times per week for maximum results.
•  Allow 24–48 hours of complete rest between each exercise session.

Before beginning this or any other exercise program, you should always consult with your doctor or physician.

E X E R C I S E   G U I D E

w w w. s p r i . c o m
