Sportime React-2-Ball Activity Manual Download Page 1

Quick Draw 

(Two players)

Quick Draw is an agility activity.  Players stand facing each other 4 to 6 feet apart.  One player drops the ball between himself and
the other player.  Both players try to catch the ball.  The player who catches the ball receives 1 point or the letter H.  (Points may be
used or words may be spelled such as HORSE.)  The player who catches the ball is the one who drops the ball for the next round.
Play continues until one player earns 5 points or spells HORSE.


(Three or more players)

21 utilizes one dealer and at least two retrievers.  The dealer begins play by underhand tossing the ball toward the retrievers.
Each time the ball bounces a point is added.  The retriever who catches the ball earns the number of points the ball bounced.  (If
the ball bounced 4 times and is then caught, 4 points are awarded.)  If a retriever attempts a catch, touches the ball but drops it,
they must subtract the number of bounces before the touch.  Players take turns being the dealer by rotating after two deals.  First
player to earn 21 point wins.

Time Bomb 

(Groups of 3 or more)

Time Bomb is a race between groups.  Each group has one ball and stands in a circle formation.  Object is to see how many
catches the group can make in one minute.  Ball is bounced inside the circle and then caught.  Repeat bounce and catch counting
the catches made in one minute.  Variations: Group members must use only their right hand or only their left hand.

Wall Ball 

(Two players)

Wall Ball involves two players and a wall at least four feet high.  The service line should be marked, using chalk or tape,
approximately 20 feet from the wall.  Both players must stand behind the service line prior to the serve.  A serve must bounce
between the service line and the wall, rebound off the wall and touch the floor again between the wall and the service line.  All
serves that touch the floor behind the service line award the ball to the other player. After a good serve, the receiver must catch
the ball, otherwise the server is awarded a point.  Players alternate serving after every two serves.  Play continues until a player
misses their catch.

Rainbow Race 

(Six groups of 3 or more per group)

Rainbow Race is a contest to see which group can be the first to reach five catches.  Each group of 3 or more players makes a
single file line behind the service line which is 10-15 feet from a wall.  Each group has a different colored React-2-Ball.  The
first player in line bounces the ball on the floor and then causes it to rebound off the wall.  In order to gain the group a point,
the second person in line must catch the ball before it touches the ground after it rebounds off the wall.  The second person
then bounces the ball for the third player to catch.  Each time the ball is caught a point is awarded.  If the ball is not caught, the
ball is served for the next person and play continues.  The first team to 5 catches wins.  Variation:  Team must complete 5
consecutive catches.

Three Levels 

(One player)

Three Levels reinforces the movement concepts of low, medium and high.  Players are challenged to assume “ready position” with
knees bent and feet approximately shoulder width apart.  The ball is first dropped from a low level (knee height) and caught with
as few bounces as possible.  Next drop the ball from a medium level (waist height) and finally from a high level (shoulder height).
Variation:  Must use right hand to catch or left hand to catch.


(One player)

Grounders challenges one’s agility.  Players stand 5 to 6 feet from the wall and roll the ball on the floor so it rebounds off the wall.
Much like softball or baseball infielders, players are encouraged to start in ready position with knees bent and hands ready. This
is an effective activity to practice fielding ground balls.

Activity Guide

with Activities & Games by Vicki J. Worrell, Ed.D.

