Schulsport · Vereinssport · Fitness · Therapie
1. Stick own connection pieces for the net hoop construction into the net hook rail crossbar/upright.
2. Stick aluminium cast corner joint into the bar.Stick together bar and upright
according to picture, the bevel being close to the inside.
First screw safety hexagon socket screws M 8x20 in the reach of the inner
bevel with approx. 3 rotations (A),then press uprights to 90° and screw safety
hexagon socket screws M 8x20 at the outside (B). Adjust bar/upright
construction and tighten all screws.
3. Mount own net hoop construction.
4. Stick caps in the uprights and bore them with a drill of 1,5 mm through
borings being in the upright. Then screw guide pins.
5. Fix net holders at the net and distribute them equally:
Crossbar: 12 pieces Uprights: 6 pieces
Please consider that 1 net holder each has to be arranged directly
behind the net hoop fi xing device at crossbar/uprights.
a) Bend up these net holders, press cord in the ring, then screw safety steel screw so that the screw heads stand off approx.
1 mm from net holders‘ plastics.
b) After installation of all net holders, fi x net at the goal construction. Stick net holders in the net hook rail and fi x them
by rotation through 90°. In case, use for this a thin srew driver.
c) Dismantling of the net is also done by rotation of the net holders by rotation through 90°. In case use again a thin
screw driver.
Remark for:
Handball goals
„for insertion in ground sockets“ 113 6526
Upright’s length (inside dimension) is 2300 mm = insertion depth 300 mm.
When concreting the ground sockets do not apply an accelerating admixure or antifreeze,
as these adhesives may cause damage to the sockets.
Instruction of Assembly
Art.-Nr. 11 113 6526
When forming a knee,
set screws in the
reach of the inner