IP Video Intercom Paging Console User Manual
Copyright statement
The manual, which is created or developed on the basis of SPON copyright, is the intellectual property of SPON. Without prior
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any reproduction, modification, or retransmission, in any form or by any means, is illegal and strictly
In accordance with relevant laws, translation and conversion are contained in reproduction.
Only for private use, downloading and printing of the manual is not prohibited when it is spreading on internet and media.
No part of the manual is allowed to be reproduced or used for commercial purpose. And SPON shall take no responsibility for any
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The manual is subject to modification, and there is no further notice if it is modified. Accurate statement, information and
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bear full responsibility for the application of product.
SPON made no guarantee about the manual, including but not limited to any contained marketability or specific guarantees.
SPON bears no responsibility for any indirect or incidental losses caused by improper use of the manual.