Installation and Maintenance Manual
System Configuration
Installation and Maintenance Manual v4/0615/10
Run more than one version of PCS 60 on the same Apple Mac PC
When a member of staff is responsible for monitoring or using multiple handsets for example, multiple
PCS 60 windows can be run on the same PC by making a copy of the software and entering the required
settings in the Preferences form of each copy of the PCS 60 software. The Preference settings are saved
with each copy of the software.
Using PCS 60 with Vision
If a User of the PCS 60 software has also been configured as an Agent with the Vision Call Centre
software additional functionality becomes available within the PCS 60. Please refer to the PCS 60 User
manual and Vision Call Centre Configuration manual for further details.
Operator Console Mode
When a PCS 60 is being used by a receptionist or switchboard operator the Operator Console Mode can
be enabled to provide the operator with additional data to assist with the efficient handling of calls. The
additional data is displayed within the User’s Favourites screen and can display a User’s forwarding
settings, DND settings, when the User is logged out, when the User is on a call and who they are talking
to, when a User is listening to voicemail, the number of new voicemail messages awaiting a
User/Department and the number of missed calls received by a User/Department. The operator can also
be given an additional window to display further Speed Dials when there is insufficient room in the
Favourites pane.
For further details please refer to the PCS 60 User Manual.
The Operator Console Mode is configured as follows:
Install an Operator Console licence as described within the Licencing section from page 20.
Open the User configuration form for the User who wishes to use Operator Console Mode.
Select the Licences page
From the Operator Console Licence
list box select either:
Yes - to apply the licence to this
User and enable Operator
Console Mode, or
PCS Partner only
this option can
be used when a PCS 60 is
partnering a PCS 5xx IP phone.
By selecting this option the
Operator Console Mode
information will only be displayed
on the PCS 60. This will prevent
the IP phone from running out of
memory when the User has
configured many speed dials on
a very active system.
Select Update or Apply when ready
Further configuration of the Operator Console Mode can be done within the Preferences dialogue box,
please refer to the PCS 60 User Manual for further details.