Figure 2 Stove Connection Panel
Figure 1
Insert Connection Panel
Autolite W iring Diagram
Please read this entire instruction before attempting repair.
EF AutoLite Igniter
Replacement Instruction
All repairs must be accomplished with the
115VAC and 12 DC power disconnected from
Your EASYFIRE Pellet Heater is equipped with the Autolite
Autom atic ignition and operating system .
The AutoLite system is integrated into the heater to allow for
autom atic start up using a heating elem ent located in the
burn pot. This elem ent starts the initial fire required to burn
the wood pellets. The system operates on 115VAC power
supplied through a separate fuse for seven m inutes during
the initial heater start up. After the seven m inute period the
AutoLite system is deactivated and the heater operates
based on the EasyFire digital control system requirem ents.
If the house AC power should quit, the AutoLite system will
not be available. however, with the optional battery attached
the heater can be m anually lit.
Basic start up operation is as follows (with therm ostat
jum ped):
From “Off” press operating button (Low). DC controller
energizes the 115VAC relay com pleting the igniter high
voltage connection. Igniter tem perature im m ediately
rises from room tem perature.
Com bustion fan starts at 1 m inute along with feed m otor
for 1 ½ m inutes providing start up fuel.
Pellets start to ignite approx. 3 to 4 m inutes. Feed m otor
starts at 4 m inutes to provide additional start up fuel.
At 7 m inutes unit should have flam e in burn pot. If no
tem perature rise is noted by T-1 (sensor) at 20 m inutes
heater starts shut down process.
The igniter system incorporates a cartridge style high
wattage 115VAC igniter located at the bottom of the pellet
burn pot. This system is continuously cooled by incom ing
com bustion air and provides years of general service.
However, for the igniter to work properly the burner pot m ust
be cleaned as required to allow the pellets to fall onto the
igniter. Generally, this is accom plished during norm al
cleaning which would include rem oving the burn pot and
brushing the ash from the pot and igniter. Rem oving the
screen from below the ignitor and brushing all ash from the
burn pot holder will also aid in the starting process.
Check the igniter rod surface for disintegration or obvious
dam age. If any white ceram ic m aterial is showing through
the SS protective cover the igniter should be replaced.
Once the burn pot is cleaned and the igniter inspected the
rem aining system checks are electrical. A sim ple check of
the system m ay be accom plished on a cold heater by
placing a gloved hand on the igniter rod and pressing one of
the operating button (Low). The igniter will start to get hot
im m ediately (2 m inute tem perature 500°F). If not
tem perature rise is noted then continue with electrical
trouble shooting.