Sphero LittleBits Manual Download Page 1


Summary of Contents for LittleBits

Page 1: ...MODULE CARDS ...

Page 2: ...More info littleBits cc Bits Table of Contents Inputs Pages 7 52 Wires Pages 53 80 Outputs Pages 81 110 ...

Page 3: ...UTS i1 slide switch i2 toggle switch i3 button i5 slide dimmer i6 dimmer i7 remote trigger i11 pressure sensor i13 light sensor i16 pulse i17 timeout i18 motion trigger i19 roller switch i20 sound trigger i21 microphone i22 sequencer ...

Page 4: ...More info littleBits cc Bits INPUTS i30 keyboard i31 oscillator i32 filter i33 envelope i34 random i35 delay i36 micro sequencer i37 mix ...

Page 5: ...More info littleBits cc Bits WIRES w1 wire w2 branch w3 double OR w4 double AND w6 Arduino w7 fork w8 latch w10 inverter w11 wireless receiver w12 wireless transmitter w15 NOR w16 NAND w17 XOR w19 split ...

Page 6: ...2 long LED o3 RGB LED o4 vibration motor o5 DC motor o6 buzzer o7 IR LED o9 bargraph o11 servo o13 fan o14 bright LED o15 UV LED o16 light wire o21 number o24 synth speaker More info littleBits cc Bits OUTPUTS ...

Page 7: ...slide switch i1 ...

Page 8: ...ry this circuit The slide switch is a small and convenient way to turn your creations on and off It uses a sturdy plastic lever to switch back and forth Try it with any of your favorite modules like the DC motor or bright LED Try this circuit power LED slide switch Start with a blue power module and turn it on Flip the slide switch from off to on Watch your green output module turn on ...

Page 9: ...toggle switch i2 ...

Page 10: ...y this circuit The toggle switch is a sturdy on off switch that you can use to activate your creations with a nice solid click The toggle switch gives a great look and feel to any project Snap it in before a LED to make a lamp Try this circuit power LED toggle switch Start with a blue power module and turn it on Flip the toggle switch from off to on Watch your green output module turn on ...

Page 11: ...button i3 ...

Page 12: ...ule is a classic big round and springy for comfortable pressing Push it to turn your creation on and release it to turn it off Snap a buzzer in place after your button to sound out signals in morse code Try this circuit Start with a blue power module and turn it on Push the button Watch your green output module turn on More info littleBits cc Bits button power buzzer button ...

Page 13: ...slide dimmer i5 ...

Page 14: ...module to the other It functions just like a light dimmer you might find at home or a volume fader in a recording studio Snap a bar graph after it for some adjustable mood lighting Try this circuit More info littleBits cc Bits slide dimmer power bargraph slide dimmer Start with a blue power module and turn it on Push the slide dimmer to the right Watch your green output module gradual ly turn on f...

Page 15: ...dimmer i6 ...

Page 16: ...e dimmer knob clockwise More info littleBits cc Bits dimmer Try this circuit The dimmer lets you control your creations with a simple knob just like the volume on your stereo Turn it clockwise to send more signal to the follow ing modules Try using it to control the volume of the buzzer or speed of the DC motor Try this circuit power buzzer dimmer Watch your green output module gradual ly turn on ...

Page 17: ...REMOTE TRIGGER i7 ...

Page 18: ...and point your remote control at the remote trigger s sensor Then press any button on your remote control to activate the module The remote trigger will work with almost any button on a remote that uses infrared light to send signals MORE INFO littleBits cc Bits remote trigger TRY THIS CIRCUIT Start with a blue power module and turn it on Press a button on your remote control Watch your LED light ...

Page 19: ...pressure sensor i1 1 ...

Page 20: ...e squeeze to activate it The more pressure you apply the more signal it sends out Put it in front of a vibration motor to control how much it shakes Start with a blue power module and turn it on Squeeze the circular pad of the pressure sensor Watch your green output module turn on More info littleBits cc Bits pressure sensor Try this circuit power pressure sensor vibration motor be sure not to cre...

Page 21: ...light sensor i13 ...

Page 22: ...ght the sensor receives the higher the signal it sends out In dark mode it s just the opposite the signal increases as light decreases You can use a screwdriver to adjust the sensitivity Use a bargraph to see how it s working Try this circuit power bargraph light sensor Start with a blue power module and turn it on Set the light sensor mode to light or dark Watch your green output module turn on M...

Page 23: ...pulse i16 ...

Page 24: ... It sends out a stream of short on signals and you can make the speed of the pulses faster or slower using the in cluded screwdriver It s great for making LEDs blink Try this circuit power LED pulse Start with a blue power module and turn it on Use the screw driver to adjust the speed of the pulse Watch your green output module activate More info littleBits cc Bits pulse adjust speed with screwdri...

Page 25: ...timeout i17 ...

Page 26: ...t will go on as soon as you release the button and the timer will start counting down to turn off time In off on mode the light will go out when you release the button and will turn back on after the timer reaches the allotted time The time ranges from approximately 1 second to 5 minutes Try it with a motion sensor and buzzer to create an intruder alarm Try this circuit power button timeout LED St...

Page 27: ...motion trigger i18 ...

Page 28: ...d it It is similar to the sensor on an automatic door When someone is moving nearby it sends an on signal to the following module It is very sensitive The motion trigger can sense an area of around 10 x 10 Try this circuit More info littleBits cc Bits motion trigger power LED motion trigger Start with a blue power module and turn it on Wave dance or move to acti vate the motion trigger Watch your ...

Page 29: ...ROLLER SWITCH i19 ...

Page 30: ...as a little lever with a wheel and activates when something presses it just like inside your refrigerator You can also flip the mode switch to make it turn off when the lever is pushed in Try this circuit More info littleBits cc Bits roller switch power LED roller switch Start with a blue power module and turn it on Set the roller switch to open or close Watch your green output module react ...

Page 31: ...sound trigger i20 ...

Page 32: ...es over a certain threshold You can make that target level louder or softer using the included screwdriver We like to use it with an LED to light up your room when you snap your fingers Start with a blue power module and turn it on Make some noise near the sound trigger Watch your green output module turn on More info littleBits cc Bits sound trigger Try this circuit Try this circuit power LED sou...

Page 33: ...MICROPHONE i21 ...

Page 34: ...or use it with the speaker like a small megaphone Make sure the switch is set to sound when you re using it with the speaker and other for all your other Bits modules like LEDs and motors The microphone also has a 3 5 mm input jack so you can plug in your computer or mp3 player More info littleBits cc Bits microphone Try this circuit Snap to any blue power module and turn on Make some noise near t...

Page 35: ...sequencer i22 ...

Page 36: ...ll advance at a speed determined by the input signal Try using a dimmer to control the speed It also features a four position switch that lets you select the direction the sequence runs The bitSnapTM at the end of the module pulses at the same speed as the sequencer Start with a blue power module and turn it on Place a dimmer af ter the power and set the sequencer to speed mode Attach output modul...

Page 37: ...KEYBOARD i30 ...

Page 38: ...tor pitch so you can hear it The keyboard lets you play melodies it features 13 buttons that make up an octave of notes It has two modes press which only produces output when you press a button and hold which will sustain the last note you played It also features an octave control which changes the playable range In addition to its main output which is great for controlling our oscillators it also...

Page 39: ...OSCILLATOR i31 ...

Page 40: ...ures a pitch knob to adjust its output tone and a tune dial for adjusting the tuning It also features a mode switch that selects between square and saw waveforms The square wave form has a rich powerful character and the saw waveform has a more mellow round character MORE INFO littleBits cc Bits oscillator TRY THIS CIRCUIT Start with a blue power module and turn it on Adjust the oscillator pitch s...

Page 41: ...FILTER i32 ...

Page 42: ...ive the impression that a sound is brighter more high frequencies or darker more low frequencies The cutoff knob sets the frequency to be emphasized and the other controls peak or intensity of the filter If the peak is turned up all the way the filter turns into an oscillator MORE INFO littleBits cc Bits filter TRY THIS CIRCUIT Start with a blue power module and turn it on Set the random module to...

Page 43: ...ENVELOPE i33 ...

Page 44: ...ic musical in strument like a piano or saxophone This envelope has two controls attack which is how long it takes to ramp up to maximum volume and decay which is how long it takes to fade to silence again You can use its third bitSnapTM to trigger the enve lope from different sources like the keyboard power envelope keyboard oscillator Start with a blue power module and turn it on Press keys on ke...

Page 45: ...RANDOM i34 ...

Page 46: ... on the micro sequencer to set the range of random voltages power random The random module has two modes noise and random voltage In noise mode it outputs white noise like a television set not tuned to any channel In random voltage mode it outputs random voltage signals that can control oscillators and make them play random pitches The random module needs a clock input like the pulse or micro sequ...

Page 47: ...DELAY i35 ...

Page 48: ...epeats Delays can be long and spacey like shouting into the Grand Canyon or loud and crazy This mod ule will play forever if you turn the feedback knob all the way up You can also shift the pitch of a sound by turning the time control while a sound is repeating MORE INFO littleBits cc Bits delay TRY THIS CIRCUIT Start with a blue power module and turn it on Press keys on keyboard to make sounds Ad...

Page 49: ...MICRO SEQUENCER i36 ...

Page 50: ...uencer to create a melody power oscillator micro sequencer Themicrosequencersendsoutvoltagesbasedonthe positionofeachofthefour step knobs Connectittoan oscillatoranditwillstepthroughthe sequence consecutive lytomakeamelody TheLEDstellyouwhichstepisactive Turnaknobfullycounterclockwisetomakethestepsilent Usethemodulein speed modetosetthespeedusingthe dial orfliptheswitchto step modetouseaninputmodu...

Page 51: ...MIX i37 ...

Page 52: ...o a single output It also has a level control for each of its inputs that s where the mixing comes in Use it to play two oscillators on a single speaker MORE INFO littleBits cc Bits mix TRY THIS CIRCUIT power mix split oscillator oscillator Start with a blue power module and turn it on Turn the mix controls up so you can hear the oscillators Adjust the pitch of both oscillators adjust volume synth...

Page 53: ...wire w1 ...

Page 54: ...dules turn corners and build your circuit in any direction Try it whenever you need to break up your chain like when you need to put a light at the top of a model building You ll find many situations where you ll want a wire More info littleBits cc Bits wire Try this circuit Start with a blue power module and turn it on Use the wire to separate your modules Snap any green output module and watch i...

Page 55: ...branch w2 ...

Page 56: ...ets you connect a single module to as many as three others oriented in different directions The branch is an amazing way to raise the level of complexity in any project More info littleBits cc Bits branch Try this circuit Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap the branch to the blue power module Snap up to 3 green outputs to the branch and see them activate power buzzer LED branch vibr...

Page 57: ...double OR w3 ...

Page 58: ...gate with two inputs Just like its name if input one or input two is receiving an on signal then it sends an on signal from its output More info littleBits cc Bits double or Try this circuit Start with a blue power module and turn it on Activate only one pink input module Watch the double OR module affect the output module power branch button slide switch LED double OR wire ...

Page 59: ...double and w4 ...

Page 60: ...h two inputs Just like its name implies it sends an on signal from its output only when input one and input two are both receiving an on signal More info littleBits cc Bits double and Try this circuit Start with a blue power module and turn it on Activate both pink input modules Watch the double AND module affect the output module power branch button slide switch LED double AND wire ...

Page 61: ...arduino w6 ...

Page 62: ...can focus on coding All of the resources available for the Arduino community including community support can be utilized with this module There are three inputs and three outputs so you can program advanced hardware interactions or communicate with soft ware You re only limited by your imagination Get started with 10 sample sketches at littleBits cc Bits arduino atheart More info littleBits cc Bit...

Page 63: ...fork w7 ...

Page 64: ...connecting your modules it lets you connect a single module to as many as three others The fork is an amazing way to raise the level of complexity in any project More info littleBits cc Bits fork Try this circuit Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap the fork after it Snap up to 3 green outputs to the fork and see them activate power fork LED buzzer vibration motor ...

Page 65: ...latch w8 ...

Page 66: ...an on off switch If you place a button in front of the latch and a light after pressing the button once will turn it on and keep it on Pressing it again will turn it off Try placing a sound trigger in front of the latch and a light after it then just snap your fingers Try this circuit power button latch LED Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap any pink input module after it Snap the ...

Page 67: ...inverter w10 ...

Page 68: ...it an on signal and the inverter changes it to an off signal or vice versa Try putting it between two lights after a button clicking will make the LEDs blink back and forth like the lights on top of a police car More info littleBits cc Bits inverter Try this circuit Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap any pink input module after it Snap the inverter before your output and see how it...

Page 69: ...WIRELESS RECEIVER w11 ...

Page 70: ...dules turn on The wireless receiver module receives a signal from your wireless transmitter and activates your circuit remote ly The three channels on the transmitter and receiver correspond to each other and can be used simultane ously The module can receive a signal at a distance of about 100 indoors Multiple wireless receivers can be used with a single transmitter but only one transmitter can b...

Page 71: ...WIRELESS transmitter w12 ...

Page 72: ...n be used simultaneously The module can transmit its signal to a distance of about 100 indoors Multiple wireless receivers can be used with a single transmitter but only one transmitter can be used in proximity to another transmitter More info littleBits cc Bits wireless transmitter Try this circuit Channels are labeled 1 2 and 3 Start with a blue power module and turn it on Adjust the input modul...

Page 73: ...Nor w15 ...

Page 74: ... two inputs As its name suggests it sends an on signal only when neither input is receiving an on signal In oth er words it s the exact opposite of the OR module More info littleBits cc Bits nor Try this circuit Start with a blue power module and turn it on Leave both input modules off Watch the NOR module affect the out put module power branch button slide switch LED NOR wire ...

Page 75: ...Nand w16 ...

Page 76: ... not and The NAND module will always send an on signal unless both input one and input two are receiving an on signal It s the exact opposite of the AND module More info littleBits cc Bits nand Try this circuit Start with a blue power module and turn it on Activate only one input module or leave both inputs off Watch the NAND module affect the output module power branch button slide switch LED NAN...

Page 77: ...xor w17 ...

Page 78: ... two inputs Think of it as exclusive or meaning that it sends an on signal when it s receiving an on signal exclu sively from one input or the other but not both More info littleBits cc Bits xor Try this circuit Start with a blue power module and turn it on Activate only one input module Watch the XOR module affect the output module power branch button slide switch LED XOR wire ...

Page 79: ...split w19 ...

Page 80: ...littleBits split module sends a single signal to two other modules You can use it like a wire module if you ignore one of the connections More info littleBits cc Bits split Start with a blue power module and turn it on Activate any pink input module Snap up to two output modules to the split Try this circuit power button split bright LED DC motor ...

Page 81: ...LED o1 ...

Page 82: ...n between The LED or light emitting diode module is a very small board that shines a nice green light It s our go to when we want to light something up Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap any pink input module after it Watch your LED light up and shine More info littleBits cc Bits led Try this circuit power LED button ...

Page 83: ...long led o2 ...

Page 84: ...call it the long LED because the light is connected to the board by a cable This lets you put the light in some interesting places one of our favorite tricks is to place the LED in the middle of a foam ball to make it glow Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap any pink input module after it Watch your long LED light the way More info littleBits cc Bits long led Try this circuit power ...

Page 85: ...RGB led o3 ...

Page 86: ...with adjustable color Use the included screwdriver to adjust each of the color channels to create almost any color Use the RGB LED when you want to match the light to the color of your creation Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap any pink input module after it Watch your RGB LED glow More info littleBits cc Bits rgb led Try this circuit power RGB LED button use the screwdriver to ad...

Page 87: ...vibration motor o4 ...

Page 88: ... makes your cell phone shake when you get a text With this module you can make anything vibrate and buzz The vibeSnap helps you attach stuff like paper tin foil or a pipecleaner to the motor Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap any pink input module after it Watch your vibration motor activate More info littleBits cc Bits vibration motor Try this circuit power vibration motor button ...

Page 89: ...dc motor o5 ...

Page 90: ...al The left right switch controls the direction of rotation The motorMate makes it easy to attach wheels paper cardboard and lots of other materials to the motor Simply slide it on the D shape of the shaft A LEGO axle also fits in the end Try this circuit power DC motor button Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap any pink input module after it Watch your DC motor spin spin spin More ...

Page 91: ...buzzer o6 ...

Page 92: ...he buzzer sounds like an alarm clock It makes a noise that you just can t ignore It buzzes whenever it gets an on signal Try using it to make your own doorbell or alarm Try this circuit Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap any pink input module after it Listen to the sweet sound of the buzzer More info littleBits cc Bits buzzer power buzzer button ...

Page 93: ...IR LED o7 ...

Page 94: ...imilar to the light in your remote control It s invisible to the eye but many digital cameras can see it Try using it to activate the light sensor or remote trigger MORE INFO littleBits cc Bits ir led TRY THIS CIRCUIT Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap any pink input module before the IR LED Place the IR LED after your input and see what happens power input IR LED Remember infrared...

Page 95: ...bargraph o9 ...

Page 96: ...odules It has five LEDs in different colors that light up to show you how much signal the module is receiving Try it with a pressure sensor to make your own strength o meter Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap any pink input module after it More info littleBits cc Bits bargraph Try this circuit power bargraph pressure sensor Watch the LEDs on your bargraph light up ...

Page 97: ...SERVO o11 ...

Page 98: ... can swing back and forth It has two modes in Turn mode the input from other modules determines the position of the arm try using a dimmer to set the angle you want In Swing mode the servo will move back and forth on its own the input controls the speed Try this circuit Snap to any blue power module and turn on Snap any pink input module before the servo Flip the switch on servo to swing or turn p...

Page 99: ...fan o13 ...

Page 100: ...hat you d think a small electric fan tethered to a module It s great for those hot summer nights Use our little fan to create fluttering movement in your creations or just to keep yourself cool Try this circuit power fan button Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap any pink input module after it Enjoy the cool breeze from your fan More info littleBits cc Bits fan ...

Page 101: ...bright led o14 ...

Page 102: ...mall module that puts out a big light Just like our other LED modules it s a great way to shed some light on your creations Choose the bright LED when you want a lot of bright white light Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap any pink input module after it Watch your bright LED turn on and shine More info littleBits cc Bits bright led Try this circuit power bright LED button ...

Page 103: ...UV led o15 ...

Page 104: ...elengths than visible light It looks purple to the eye but it has some special abilities like making white fabrics and certain inks glow in the dark If you have a pen that writes in UV sensitive ink you can use it to reveal secret messages Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap any pink input module after it Make something glow with your UV LED More info littleBits cc Bits uv led Try t...

Page 105: ...light wire o16 ...

Page 106: ... blue It s made of special stuff called electroluminescent wire which is great to form into glowing shapes It s best to use in the dark We like to use it for wearable accessories when we go to parties Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap any pink input module after it Wrap your light wire around any object to make it glow More info littleBits cc Bits light wire Try this circuit power...

Page 107: ...NUMBER o21 ...

Page 108: ...isplays a number from 0 to 99 on its LED display where 0 is totally off and 99 is all the way on In volts mode it displays the actual voltage on the signal pin from 0 0 to 5 0 volts It takes the same signal it receives and sends it out to the next module MORE INFO littleBits cc Bits number TRY THIS CIRCUIT Start with a blue power module and turn it on Snap any pink input module before the number m...

Page 109: ...synth speaker o24 ...

Page 110: ...tput jack that you can connect to headphones an amplifier or a computer The speaker is connected with 3MTM Dual LockTM so it can be removed from the circuit board To reattach hold module and press together firmly More info littleBits cc Bits synth speaker Try this circuit Start with a blue power module and turn it on Switch the waveform and hear the timbre change Rock out to the sweet sounds from ...
