Profile selection and configuration, lighting effects
You can switch between 5 different profiles at the top of the left-hand column. A default profile is configured
when the driver is installed for the first time. In the row beneath that, you can:
Select a ‘PROGRAM’ which, when started, launches the profile,
‘RENAME’ the profile, and
‘IMPORT’ or ‘EXPORT’ a profile.
In the right-hand column, you can select special lighting effects (Solid, Breathing, or Off) and a specific
lighting effect colour (or automatic colour rotation) for the particular profile.
NOTE: Save your settings after each change by clicking ‘OK’ or ‘APPLY’.
Button programming
After selecting a profile, you can map any command you want to each mouse button. First select the desired
button or scroll wheel function by clicking it on the displayed mouse. You can now map a different function to
your selection. You can find this in the lower ‘BUTTONS’ menu.
Jöllenbeck GmbH, Kreuzberg 2
27404 Weertzen, GERMANY