M2i.30xx / M2i.30xx-exp Manual
Hardware information
Technical Data
Analog Inputs
BaseXIO Option
12 bit
Input Range
software programmable
±200 mV, ±500 mV, ±1 V, ±2 V, ±5 V, ±10 V
Input Mode
bipolar, single-ended
Input Offset
software programmable
±100% of input range in steps of 1%
ADC Differential non linearity (DNL)
ADC only
±1 LSB
ADC Integral non linearity (INL)
ADC only
±1 LSB
Offset error (full speed)
after warm-up and calibration
0.1% of range
Gain error (full speed)
after warm-up and calibration
1% of current value
Crosstalk: 1 MHz Signal, 50
all input ranges
-70 dB on adjacent channels
Analog Input impedance
software programmable
or 1 M
|| 25 pF
Analog input coupling
Over voltage protection (active card)
±1 V
±5 V
Over voltage protection (active card)
±1 V
±50 V
Input signal with 50
max 5 V rms
Channel selection
software programmable
1, 2 or 4 (maximum is model dependent)
Available trigger modes
software programmable
Channel Trigger, External, Software, Window, Pulse, Re-Arm, Or/And, Delay
Trigger level resolution
software programmable
10 bit
Trigger edge
software programmable
Rising edge, falling edge or both edges
Trigger pulse width
software programmable
0 to [64k - 1] samples in steps of 1 sample
Trigger delay
software programmable
0 to [64k - 1] samples in steps of 1 sample
Multi, Gate: re-arming time
4 samples (+ programmed pretrigger)
Pretrigger at Multi, ABA, Gate, FIFO
software programmable
4 up to [8176 Samples / number of active channels] in steps of 4
software programmable
4 up to [8G - 4] samples in steps of 4 (defining pretrigger in standard scope mode)
Memory depth
software programmable
8 up to [installed memory / number of active channels] samples in steps of 4
Multiple Recording/ABA segment size
software programmable
8 up to [installed memory / 2 / active channels] samples in steps of 4
Trigger output delay
One positive edge after internal trigger event
Internal trigger accuracy
1 sample
External trigger accuracy
100 MS/s
1 sample
External trigger accuracy
100 MS/s
2 samples
External trigger type (input and output)
3.3V LVTTL compatible (5V tolerant with base card hardware version > V20)
External trigger input
0.8 V, High
2.0 V,
8 ns in pulse stretch mode,
2 clock periods all other modes
External trigger maximum voltage
-0.5 V up to +5.7 V (internally clamped to 5.0V, 100 mA max. clamping current)
Trigger impedance
software programmable
50 Ohm / high impedance (> 4kOhm)
External trigger output type
External trigger output levels
0.4 V, High
2.4 V, TTL compatible
External trigger output drive strength
Capable of driving 50 ohm load, maximum drive strength ±128 mA
Clock Modes
software programmable
internal PLL, internal quartz, external clock, external divided, external reference clock, sync
Internal clock range (PLL mode)
software programmable
1 kS/s to max using internal reference, 50kS/s to max using external reference clock
Internal clock accuracy
20 ppm
Internal clock setup granularity
1% of range (100M, 10M, 1M, 100k,...): Examples: range 1M to 10M: stepsize
External reference clock range
software programmable
1.0 MHz and
125.0 MHz
External clock impedance
software programmable
50 Ohm / high impedance (> 4kOhm)
External clock range
see „Dynamic Parameters“ table below
External clock delay to internal clock
5.4 ns
External clock type/edge
3.3V LVTTL compatible, rising edge used
External clock input
Low level
0.8 V, High level
2.0 V, duty cycle: 45% - 55%
External clock maximum voltage
-0.5 V up to +3.8 V (internally clamped to 3.3V, 100 mA max. clamping current)
(not 5V tolerant)
External clock output type
External clock output levels
0.4 V, High
2.4 V, TTL compatible
External clock output drive strength
Capable of driving 50 ohm load, maximum drive strength ±128 mA
Synchronization clock divider
software programmable
2 up to [8k - 2] in steps of 2
ABA mode clock divider for slow clock
software programmable
8 up to 524280 in steps of 8
BaseXIO modes
software programmable
Asynch digital I/O, 2 additional trigger, timestamp reference clock, timestamp digital inputs
BaseXIO direction
software programmable
Each 4 lines can be programmed in direction
BaseXIO input
TTL compatible: Low
0.8 V, High
2.0 V
BaseXIO input impedance
4.7 kOhm towards 3.3 V
BaseXIO input maximum voltage
-0.5 V up to +5.5 V
BaseXIO output type
BaseXIO output levels
TTL compatible: Low
0.4 V, High
2.4 V
BaseXIO output drive strength
32 mA maximum current, no 50