Spectron Gas Control Systems GmbH
Repair | 9
9 Repair
9.1 General information on repair work
Noise emission
When working on pressurised pneumatic supply, significant noise emission can occur. Acute
and chronic loss of hearing may result.
a) Never perform work on the pressurised pneumatic supply without hearing protection.
b) Only replace the silencers when the supply is unpressurised.
Incorrect operation
Incorrect operation of the system, e.g. due to instruction errors, can lead to personal injury or
damage to the system.
a) Access to the user manual by the operating and maintenance personnel must be absolutely
ensured at all times.
b) A copy of the system documentation including the user manual must therefore be kept
either on the system or in a suitable and accessible location.
Working on the product
If an accident occurs when working on the product, there is a considerable risk of injury.
a) Never work on the product unattended or unannounced.
b) Observe the site safety rules and permission procedure.
Injury or damage in the event of incorrect assembly or disassembly
Special steps are required for assembly and disassembly work on the product. Personal injuries
and damage to the product are possible.
a) Assembly and disassembly work may only be carried out by the installation engineer or ap-
propriately skilled specialist companies and persons.
b) The product is not permitted to be re-used following disassembly. All components must be
disposed correctly.
Incorrect switching actions or confusion can occur due to inadequate lighting.
a) Ensure sufficient lighting in accordance with the statutory regulations.
The objectives of the repair are: