Chapter 7 - Configuring Network Attached Storage
Create a Volume
Before you begin using a storage pool to store data, you must create one or more volumes
to organize how the information is stored on the pool. After you create a volume, you can
share the volume using NFS or CIFS, but not both.
If you want to configure the volume to use the NFI service (Network File
Interface) to automatically transfer files from the NAS storage to the local system’s
storage domains or to a remote BlackPearl system, configure the NFI service
before configuring the volume. See
Configure the NFI Service on page 235
Use the following steps to create a volume on a storage pool.
From the menu bar, select
Configuration > NAS > Volumes
, or click the Volumes pane on
the Dashboard. The Volumes screen displays.
Figure 126
The Volumes screen.
November 2020
User Guide-BlackPearl Converged Storage System
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