TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
The ProtoTRAK DXF Converter Operating Manual
FIGURE 4.3.2 Through a process of elimination, we have isolated the view of what we want to
To choose a layer that you would like to Hide use the Data Forward key or simply click on the
layer name with the mouse. You can go between Show and Hide as often as you like as you
choose which layers to eliminate from view.
Press Continue when only the layer(s) you wish to remain are shown. When you leave this
screen, you may return to it by pressing the Back key (Alt + B on the PT4OL). However, any
additional data you have added will be lost.
4.4 The Gap Tolerance
The ProtoTRAK makes it easy to clear the stock with the powerful Cycle event feature and the
DXF Converter makes it even easier by providing the dimensions. One potential problem in this
process is that a CAD drawing is made to be looked at, not machined. DXF and DWG files may
contain lines or arcs that look connected on a print, but really have tiny gaps between them. The
gap tolerance of the DXF Converter is an elegant solution to this problem. You enter a single
a tolerance
and the DXF Converter automatically closes the gaps that are within that
value while you are programming
. If you don’t want this done automatically, you aren’t forced to
apply the tolerance. The DXF Converter will prompt you when it encounters a gap and let you
decide whether to close it.
4.4.1 Gap Tolerance Applied Automatically
As soon as you decide your layers and select Continue, you will be asked about the Gap
tolerance. If you want to
use the 0.005” or 0.15mm gap tolerance in the status line,
simply choose YES. You may also input a different value for the gap tolerance and then
choose YES. The DXF Converter will refer to this tolerance and will automatically stretch
lines an amount that is within the tolerance in order to make them connect. If a gap is
encountered that exceeds this tolerance, you will be prompted with a choice to close the
gap that is encountered.
If you choose NO, the DXF Converter will prompt you every time the gap is encountered
while programming a cycle.