TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
The ProtoTRAK DXF Converter Operating Manual
apply the tolerance. The DXF Converter will prompt you when it encounters a gap and let you
decide whether to close it.
3.3.1 Gap Tolerance Applied Automatically
As soon as you decide your layers and select Continue, you will be asked about the Gap
tolerance. If
you want to use the 0.005” or 0.15mm gap to
lerance in the status line,
simply choose YES. You may also input a different value for the gap tolerance and then
choose YES. The DXF Converter will refer to this tolerance and will automatically stretch
lines an amount that is within the tolerance in order to make them connect. If a gap is
encountered that exceeds this tolerance, you will be prompted with a choice to close the
gap that is encountered.
If you choose NO, the DXF Converter will prompt you every time the gap is encountered
while programming a profile or pocket.
3.3.2 Closing Gaps As They Are Identified During Programming
Once you begin the programming of a pocket or profile, you will be prompted to resolve
a gap between lines and arcs that are to be connected when:
You input a gap tolerance but the gap that is encountered exceeds the tolerance you
You chose NO to the gap tolerance.
In either case, when a gap is encountered, the DXF Converter will display a message like
the following:
FIGURE 3.3.2 A gap is encountered that exceeds the gap tolerance.
If YES is chosen, the displayed gap value will only be used to close the current gap.
The original gap tolerance value (if any) will be retained for checking all other gaps
If NO is chosen, the gap will not be closed. The original gap tolerance value will be
retained and drawing segment will remain unselected.
If Apply All is chosen, the gap will be closed and this new gap value will replace the
previous one as the new gap tolerance value. You will not be prompted again unless
a gap outside this new tolerance is encountered.