S o u n d E a r ® 3 – m a n u a l
R e t u R n t o ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Upon first connection of the device, we recommend set-
ting the time and date in the internal clock.
Open the SoundEar® software and double-click on the
time display, located in the upper right-hand corner of
the screen.
your device must be connected to the computer
via USB for you to set the time on your device.
After double-clicking on the time bar, a loading icon
should appear at the top center of the screen with the
text: “Setting time on the device” and your time and
date settings should be updated.
dEvicE cOnFiGUrAtiOn
SEt tiME
set the time and date on your soundear® 3.