65 Aleksandar Stamboliyski Str., 8000 Bourgas, Bulgaria
Tel.: +359 56 710710, Fax: +359 56 836700
Email: [email protected], Web: www.sound4.com
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Settings – General
Processor Name
Allows the name of the processor and AES67/L host name to be customized, hence
making it more recognizable.
– Selects the language within the user interface. The available options are
English, Spanish, and French. Changing this setting will require restarting the software.
Show Bubble Values
– Turns [On] and [Off] the bubble values.
Show Virtual Keyboard
– Turns [On] and [Off] the virtual keyboard.
Virtual Keyboard
– Selects the layout of the on-screen keyboard used when selecting
sessions or presets. The available options are: Azerty and Qwerty.
VU Meter Speed
– This value controls the speed of the onscreen metering and is set in
percent. Higher numbers will result in faster metering, though the default of 25% is sufficient.
Application Auto Exit
Turns the application [On] and [Off] and sets delay time (the time that should elapse after the
last user interaction so that the software could be closed).
Preset security
Turns the application [On] and [Off] and sets delay time.
Process Autolock
Turns the application [On] and [Off] and sets delay time.