65 Aleksandar Stamboliyski Str., 8000 Bourgas, Bulgaria
Tel.: +359 56 710710, Fax: +359 56 836700
Email: [email protected], Web: www.sound4.com
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How a new preset can be created
The SOUND4 has a set of several factory presets. In order for a preset to be selected/used, the
[Load] button should be pressed (the active preset is illuminated in green). Each of the factory
presets can be used as a basis for creation of new user-defined preset. Once you are satisfied with
the result all the changes could be saved.
The user presets to be created prior to the installation of the SOUND4 in the broadcasting
chain. Otherwise, any drastic changed of the audio quality and enhancements will be audible
for the listeners.
2. Unless the new preset is created by a qualified/experienced broadcaster, it is recommended
that no general changes to the base preset (if such is used) to be applied, as this can lead to
unwanted signal distortion.
The procedure is quite simple. Below you will find a step-by-step description of the process:
1. Press on [Preset] and choose a factory preset that you would like to use for a basis of the
new one. It will be automatically uploaded in the device;
2. In section Processing, modify the parameters that you think would improve the enhancement
of your signal and will make your station’s sound unique. For detailed information on the
refer to “Processing” on page 49
3. Once you are satisfied with the result, you will notice that after the currently selected preset,
a the following message indicating that some changes are being made will appear All
Programs (not saved):
4. In order to save the changes select one of the user presets and press the [Save As] button.