D4. Codecs: XAVC-I, XAVC-L and MPEG HD
The FX9 has 3 primary codecs plus H.264 for proxy
The codec choices are:
XAVC-I: Best quality, 10 bit 4:2:2 UHD and HD.
XAVC-I offers an excellent balance between image quality
and file size. It is the highest quality codec available in
the FX9. It records using 10 bit 4:2:2 sampling at all the
available resolutions and frame rates. It should be your
primary choice of recording codec. XAVC-I is an I frame
only codec and as a result is easy to work with in post
production on modest computers.
XAVC-L: High quality, small file size, 10 bit 4:2:2 HD and
8 bit 4:2:0 UHD.
XAVC-L HD/UHD XAVC-L is a long GOP codec offering
similar image quality to XAVC-I but with a smaller file
size. In HD it is 10bit 4:2:2. In UHD it is 8bit 4:2:0 (not
recommended for S-Log3).
In HD there are three bit rate choices of 50, 35 and
25Mbps. 50Mbps offers image quality comparable
to XAVC-I. 35Mbps is comparable to MPEG2 HD 4:2:2
50Mbps. 25Mbps is suitable for corporate or other
professional non broadcast applications.
D. Scan Modes, frame rates and codecs