Operation and parameter setting on the PC with enSuite
GasLab Q2
G a s Q u a l i t y A n a l y z e r
Page 101 of 135
8.2.1 View access rights
Prerequisite: The parameterization is shown in the parameterization window of enSuite. The
corresponding parameters are displayed in the tab
“Parameters” on the right side of the
parameterization window. Rights are managed by means of symbols per user profile. Wherever
rights are assigned, a filled-in toolbar is displayed in the
column. The toolbar consists of
two parts:
Button 1 to 5 rights for user profiles 1 to 5:
Each button is assigned a unique icon.
The order corresponds to the position of the profiles in the user management. As soon as a
symbol is activated, the corresponding profile has the corresponding right. There is no icon for the
administrator profile.
Button 6 and 7: fiscal security settings
Button 6 is the icon for the protection by
the security switch (SSW) icon
and button 7
the icon for the fiscal audit trail. It is only
displayed on the parameter level. Once a symbol is enabled, this security setting is applied.
If the authorization is not available, these buttons can not be selected or
permanently changed. In this case, they are only used as advertisements.
8.2.2 Restriction on Q2 relevant parameters (Use virtual login)
A parameterization is transferred to the device and possibly rejected at the end of the
transmission. The device checks the prerequisites and authorizations only before using.
Therefore it is possible to change parameters beforehand in an unauthorized manner. To prevent
this, you can filter the parameter lists beforehand
using the function “
Use virtual login
Requirement: You have selected the offline parameterization (see chapter 8.3) The required
parameterization is opened and the top folder is selected. In the right part of the window you
see the options shown below
Figure 8.8:
Function “Use virtual login”
Activate the online help in enSuite to learn more about the required settings. The following
figures in this operating instructions usually go by the use of this function under the name "su3".